[PYTHON] [Django] No changes detected even if make migrations is executed after creating a Model


After creating a new model, even if you execute make migrations, the output will be as follows, and I encountered a phenomenon that the migration file is not created, so make a note of the countermeasure.

#Execute the following command after creating a new model
$ python manage.py makemigrations
No changes detected

Folder structure

│  ├─__init__.py
│  ├─accounts.py
│  └─users.py    #Newly added model this time


Apparently, if the model is created by dividing it into the models folder, it will not be recognized unless the newly created model is imported into \ __ init__.py.

The contents of the original \ __ init__.py


from accounts.py import AccountsModel

Add the newly added users.py here.


from accounts.py import AccountsModel
from users.py import UsersModel #Newly added

Run again

$ python manage.py makemigrations
Migrations for 'app':
    - Create model UsersModel

I was able to create it safely!

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