Solving 2015 Center Test for University Admissions Mathematics IIB in Python


This article is the 17th day article of Python Advent Calendar 2015. Again, [Python](http: // from Mathematics Advent Calendar 2015 and ADVENTAR // and Math also serve as the 17th day m (_ _) m

What to do here

This is an inspiring article of Solving all 2015 Center Test for University Admissions Mathematics IA with a program (Python). I really enjoyed doing it here, so I tried Mathematics IIB as well as studying Sympy.

National Center Test for University Admissions | Answer Bulletin 2015 | Preparatory School East Advance Mathematics II / Mathematics B

Execution environment


Basic usage of Sympy

First of all, I will summarize how to use Sympy, which will appear a lot after this.

What is Sympy?

Python algebra library Official documentation: Japanese translation:

Symbols-Variable definitions

In [1]: from sympy import *
In [2]: x + 1
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-4cf92658b648> in <module>()
----> 1 x + 1

NameError: name 'x' is not defined

In [3]: x = symbols('x')
In [4]: x + 1
Out[4]: x + 1

expand --expand

In [5]: expand((x + 1)**2)
Out[5]: x**2 + 2*x + 1


In [6]: factor(x**4 - 3*x**2 + 1)
Out[6]: (1 + x - x**2)*(1 - x - x**2)

simplify --Simplify

In [7]: simplify((x**3 + x**2 - x - 1)/(x**2 + 2*x + 1))
Out[7]: x - 1

limit --extreme

In [8]: limit(x, x, oo)
Out[8]: oo


In [9]: diff(cos(x), x)
Out[9]: -sin(x)
In [10]: diff(x**3 + x**2 - x - 1, x)
Out[10]: 3*x**2 + 2*x - 1

integrate --integrate

In [11]: integrate(cos(x), x)
Out[11]: sin(x)
In [12]: integrate(x**3 + x**2 - x - 1, x)
Out[12]: x**4/4 + x**3/3 - x**2/2 - x


In [13]: Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [-2, 0, 4]])
[ 1, 2, 3],
[-2, 0, 4]])

solve --solve an expression

In [14]: solve(x**2 - 1, x)
Out[14]: [-1, 1]

Actually solve

Question 1-Trigonometric functions, exponential / logarithmic functions


The problem of coordinates is OK if you think about each point in a vector using Sympy's Matrix. For the time being, let's set θ to 45 ° for convenience.

import math
import sympy as sy
import numpy as np

γ = sy.pi/4
O = sy.Matrix([0, 0])
P = sy.Matrix([2*sy.cos(γ), 2*sy.sin(γ)])
Q = sy.Matrix([2*sy.cos(γ) + sy.cos(7*γ), 2*sy.sin(γ) + sy.sin(7*γ)])

The distance between two points can be expressed by the concept of the Norm of a Matrix.

(O - P).norm()
(P - Q).norm()


2 #A
1 #I

The next $ OQ ^ 2 $ seems to have to be calculated honestly. Since this calculation depends on the value of θ, the 45 ° that was set earlier cannot be used ... Let's define a new θ as a symbol.

#Symbolize θ as a value greater than 0
θ = sy.symbols('θ', positive=True)
sy.simplify((2*sy.cos(θ) + sy.cos(7*θ))**2 + (2*sy.sin(θ) + sy.sin(7*θ))**2)
4*cos(6*θ) + 5 #C,D,Oh

After simplifying it, I was able to come up with a nice answer. Next, consider the maximum value of OQ. This seems to be a little troublesome, so I will use the solution method of calculating by brute force using the fact that the answer column [ka] is an integer 1 digit.

for n in range(4, 9):
    γ = math.pi / n
    print("θ is π/"+ str(n) + "At that time, OQ**The value of 2 is" + str(5 + 4*np.cos(6*γ)))
θ is π/When 4, OQ**The value of 2 is 5.0
θ is π/When 5, OQ**The value of 2 is 1.7639320225
θ is π/At 6, OQ**The value of 2 is 1.0
θ is π/When 7, OQ**The value of 2 is 1.39612452839
θ is π/When it is 8, OQ**The value of 2 is 2.17157287525

It turns out that the maximum value is taken when θ = π / 5. [F]: 5

The value taken at that time was 1.7639320225. You can intuitively understand what square root this value is, but let's calculate it just in case.

from fractions import Fraction
#Finding the optimal fraction with a denominator of 1 or less
Fraction(3, 1)

Since it turned out that $ 1.7639320225 ^ 2 ≒ 3 $, the value of [ki] was also obtained. [Ki]: 3


The equation representing the straight line OP can be understood by mental arithmetic, so it is omitted. [K]

(\sin\theta)x - (\cos\theta)y = 0 

Since the three points O, P, and Q are on a straight line, it is OK if you substitute the coordinates of the point Q into the above formula.



# _Receives the previous output value


[pi/6] #Ke

Yes next! This is really easy. The angle OQP becomes a right angle from OP = 2, PQ = 1. [Co]: $ OQ = \ sqrt3 $

Using this value and the value of OQ obtained by [c] [d] [e], find θ when the angle OQP becomes a right angle.

# 5+4*sy.cos(6*θ) =From 3
sy.solve(5+4*sy.cos(6*θ) - 3)


[pi/9, 2*pi/9]

$ \ pi / 8 \ leqq θ \ leqq \ pi / 4 $ Why $ θ = 2/9 \ pi $ [sa] [shi]


import math
import sympy as sy
import numpy as np

x, y, a, b = sy.symbols('x y a b', real=True, positive=True) #Symbolized as a positive real number
c1 = x**2*y**3 - a**2
c2 = x*y**3 - b**3
sy.solve({c1, c2}, {x, y})


[{y: b**2/a**(2/3), x: a**2/b**3}] #Su,Se,So,Ta

I was able to solve it in an instant using solve!

After that, pay attention to the value of y and find the value of p. [Chi] [Tsu] [Te] p = -2/3


Substitute b = 2 * a ** (4/3) for x and y calculated above, respectively. First from x.



a**(-2.0)/8 #To,Na

And y also.



4*a**2.0 #D

When considering the minimum value of x + y here, if you use the power of Scipy, you don't have to remember the formula "the relationship between the arithmetic mean and the geometric mean"!

from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
#Convert a, which is a symbol, so that it can be treated as a numerical value
numeric_a = sy.lambdify(a, a**(-2.0)/8 + 4*a**2.0)
#The range of a is a>0 Why, the upper limit is the int maximum value in python2 series
#A is 0 in brute force~Find the minimum value between 2147483647
differential_evolution(numeric_a, [(0, 2**31-1)])


    nfev: 518
 success: True
     nit: 33
     jac: array([  7.06101844e-06])
 message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
     fun: array([ 1.41421356])
       x: array([ 0.42044842])

From this result It can be seen that "when a = 0.42044842, x + y takes the minimum value 1.41421356".

After that, it is OK if you calculate "0.42044842 is the power of 2" and "1.41421356 is the square root".

from fractions import Fraction


Fraction(-5, 4) #Ne,No,C


Fraction(2, 1) #Nu

Finally the first question is over (´-ω-`)

Omit the second, third, and fourth questions

People People People People People > Sudden 5th question <  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄

Question 5-Probability distribution and statistical guessing


Calculation of combinations is easy with a module called Scipy.misc.comb.

import itertools
import scipy.misc as scm

scm.comb(7, 3,  exact=True)


35 #I,C
scm.comb(4, 0,  exact=True)*scm.comb(3, 3,  exact=True)
scm.comb(4, 1,  exact=True)*scm.comb(3, 2,  exact=True)
scm.comb(4, 2,  exact=True)*scm.comb(3, 1,  exact=True)
scm.comb(4, 3,  exact=True)*scm.comb(3, 0,  exact=True)


1 #A
12 #D,Oh
18 #Mosquito,Ki
4 #Ku
#Stored in dictionary to calculate expected value and variance
dict = {0: 1/35, 1: 12/35, 2: 18/35, 3: 4/35}
mean = sum(x*y for x, y in dict.items())
from fractions import Fraction


Fraction(12, 7) #Ke,Ko,Service
variance = sum(x*x*y for x, y in dict.items()) - mean**2


Fraction(24, 49) #Shi,Su,Se,So


A standard normal distribution has come out, but this is also OK if you use Scipy's statistical library.

Now you don't have to glare at this normal distribution table! sugaku-2b_504.gif

from scipy.stats import norm


(-2.5758293035489004, 2.5758293035489004) #Ta


import sympy as sy
from scipy.stats import norm

n, σ = sy.symbols('n σ')


(-1.959963984540054, 1.959963984540054)
(-2.5758293035489004, 2.5758293035489004)
L1 = 2*1.96*σ/sy.sqrt(n)
L2 = 2*2.58*σ/sy.sqrt(n)


1.31632653061224 #Ji,Tsu
L3 = 2*1.96*σ/sy.sqrt(4*n)


0.500000000000000 #Te,To

at the end

Once I learned the basic usage of Sympy, I could easily reach the level of the center test. The impression of trying this time is like this.

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