[PYTHON] Let's make jupyter lab easy to use

Make jupyter lab easier to use

I will describe what I am doing now. In some cases, it may be added.

Set the number of indent spaces to 4

Settings > Text Editor Indentation > ☑️Spaces: 4

Always show scrollbar

Settings > JupyterLab Them > ☑️Theme Scrollbars

Set to dark mode

Settings > JupyterLab Them > ☑️JupyterLab Dark

Make the font Ricty

Settings > Advanced Settings Editor > Notebook

    "codeCellConfig": {
        "fontFamily": "Ricty Regular",
        "fontSize": 15

I personally like Regular, so I'll go with this. It is assumed that Ricty is included in the Mac. </ font> You can also change the ** size ** of the font here.

Make line numbers the default display

Settings > Advanced Settings Editor > Notebook

    "codeCellConfig": {
      "lineNumbers": true

You can do this, but if you have other settings, how to add it?

    "codeCellConfig": {
        "fontFamily": "Ricty Regular",
        "fontSize": 16

    "codeCellConfig": {
      "lineNumbers": true

I will add ** by separating ** like this. Or because it is the same ** codeCellConfig **

    "codeCellConfig": {
        "fontFamily": "Ricty Regular",
        "fontSize": 16,
        "lineNumbers": true

You can do this too.

in conclusion

Thank you for watching until the end. I'm glad if you can use it as a reference.

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