[PYTHON] Scroll Japanese on the LED of RaspberryPi Sense HAT

I couldn't scroll Japanese with the official API of SenseHAT, so I tried to use Python's PIL and Misaki font. This is an image in which the text is made into a single image and cut out in order from the edge to an 8 * 8 image.


# -*- encoding:utf8 -*-
import unicodedata
import time
import sys
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from sense_hat import SenseHat

#Get the total number of bytes in a string
def count_byte(s):
    n = 0
    for c in s:
        wide_chars = u"WFA"
        eaw = unicodedata.east_asian_width(c)
        if wide_chars.find(eaw) > -1:
            n += 2
            n += 1
    return n

#Scroll display on Sense HAT
def show_scroll_string(
        disp_str, fore_color = "#ffffff", back_color = "#000000", interval = 0.1):
        disp_str   =Character string to be displayed
        fore_color =Text color (optional)
        back_color =Background color (optional)
        interval   =Scroll display interval (optional)
    matrix_size = 8
    img_width = (count_byte(disp_str) * 4) + (matrix_size * 2)

    sense = SenseHat()
    font = ImageFont.truetype("/misaki_gothic.ttf", #Specify the font path
                              8, encoding="unic")
    img_moto = Image.new("RGB", (img_width, matrix_size), back_color)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img_moto)
    draw.text((matrix_size, 1), disp_str, font = font, fill = fore_color)
    img_moto.save("./img.png ", "PNG")

    for num in range(0, img_width - matrix_size):
        img = img_moto.crop((num, 0, matrix_size + num, matrix_size))
        img.save("./img_.png ", "PNG")
        sense.load_image("./img_.png ")

# main
show_scroll_string(u"String String String.", fore_color="#ffff00", interval = 0.07)

If you specify the font path and put the output character string in the argument of show_scroll_string and call it, it should be scrolled. 写真 2016-11-24 20 49 54.gif

If you want to execute and use it as it is, please do so at your own risk.
Referenced sites, etc.

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