We made adjustments for the final task. At that time, the conditional expression has a special pattern of using both if and unless. I tried to challenge. I will post it as a memorandum.
This time it is described in haml.
#In the view file
-if @item.buyers.present?
- unless user_signed_in? && @item.user_id == current_user.id
= link_to purchase_item_path(@item.id), class: "item-show-page__link" do
To purchase screen
- else
%p Seller cannot purchase
The contents of the method @item Contains listing information. buyers This is the method of purchase history.
if〜else If the purchase history ID exists, SOLD OUT is displayed.
Nested inside the else of the if statement
doing. From there, the unless conditional expression is entered.
If the item you listed does not match your user ID, a link to the purchase screen will appear.
If not, it will appear as "Seller cannot purchase".
That is all.
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