This and that using reflect


I will leave it as a memorandum because I lack understanding of reflect.

Use reflect to populate the fields of the structure


I want to enter a specific value for a structure whose field elements are unknown.

go playground Here

Main processing

Corresponding code

I used a recursive function.

func recursive(in reflect.Value, v int) {
	rt := in.Kind()
	if rt == reflect.Ptr {
		vPtr := in
		if in.IsNil() {
			vPtr = reflect.New(in.Type().Elem())
		recursive(vPtr.Elem(), v)
		if in.CanSet() {
	if rt == reflect.Struct {
		tValue := in.Type()
		for i := 0; i < in.NumField(); i++ {
			sf := tValue.Field(i)
			if sf.PkgPath != "" && !sf.Anonymous {
			recursive(in.Field(i), v)
	if rt == reflect.String {
		strV := strconv.Itoa(v)
	if rt == reflect.Int {

Outline of processing

When the type of reflect.Value is a pointer

With this process, it is determined whether the field is a pointer, and if it is nil, reflct.Value is generated. If it is not nil, use the first argument of the recursive function as it is. Pass the pointer reference to the first argument of the recursive function and call it again. After calling, if CanSet is true, set Value to Set as the first argument.

	if rt == reflect.Ptr {
		vPtr := in
		if in.IsNil() {
			vPtr = reflect.New(in.Type().Elem())
		recursive(vPtr.Elem(), v)
		if in.CanSet() {
When the type of reflect.Value is a structure

Enumerate the fields of the structure, pass each field as the first argument of the recursive function, and call it again. However, the case of PkgPath (package) and the case of Anonymous (embedded type) are excluded (there is a case where it becomes a permanent loop if it is not excluded).

	if rt == reflect.Struct {
		tValue := in.Type()
		for i := 0; i < in.NumField(); i++ {
			sf := tValue.Field(i)
			if sf.PkgPath != "" && !sf.Anonymous {
			recursive(in.Field(i), v)
When the type of reflect.Value is string, int

In the case of string, it is converted, and in the case of int, it is Set with reflect.ValueOf. (Since there are cases other than string and int, we are investigating whether it can be simplified a little more ...)

	if rt == reflect.String {
		strV := strconv.Itoa(v)
	if rt == reflect.Int {

Use reflect to populate the structure field from map and print out any missing data


Convert from map [string] string to an arbitrary structure, and if there are not enough elements in the fields of the structure, I would like to know the details. Specify a tag for the field of the structure, and if the field is on the pointer side, treat it as optional. Also, by making the first argument of bindParameters a interface type, it corresponds to any structure.

go playground Here

Main processing

Corresponding code

Modified based on the recursive function of [here](#corresponding code).

func recursive(in reflect.Value, tag string, required bool, v map[string]string, res *map[string]interface{}) bool {
	rk := in.Kind()
	if rk == reflect.Ptr {
		vPtr := in
		if in.IsNil() {
			vPtr = reflect.New(in.Type().Elem())
		isSet := recursive(vPtr.Elem(), tag, false, v, res)
		if in.CanSet() && isSet {
		return false
	if rk == reflect.Struct {
		tValue := in.Type()
		isSet := false
		for i := 0; i < in.NumField(); i++ {
			sf := tValue.Field(i)
			if sf.PkgPath != "" && !sf.Anonymous {
			tagName := ""
			required = false
			if uriTag := sf.Tag.Get(key); uriTag != "" {
				tagName = uriTag
				required = true
			r := recursive(in.Field(i), tagName, required, v, res)
			if r {
				isSet = true
		return isSet

	ptrValue, errString := getValue(rk, required, tag, v)
	if errString != "" {
		e := *res
		e[tag] = errString
		res = &e
	if ptrValue != nil {
		value := *ptrValue
		return true
	return false

func getValue(kind reflect.Kind, required bool, tag string, m map[string]string) (*reflect.Value, string) {
	var value string
	var ok bool
	if value, ok = m[tag]; !ok && required {
		return nil, "parameter is not specified"

	if value == "" && !required {
		return nil, ""
	if kind == reflect.String {
		r := reflect.ValueOf(value)
		return &r, ""
	if kind == reflect.Int {
		i, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "not numeric value"
		r := reflect.ValueOf(i)
		return &r, ""

	return nil, ""

Outline of processing

Structure tag analysis

You can get the tag name of the structure with reflect.StructField.sf.Tag.Get.

	if rk == reflect.Struct {
		tValue := in.Type()
		isSet := false
		for i := 0; i < in.NumField(); i++ {
			sf := tValue.Field(i)
			if sf.PkgPath != "" && !sf.Anonymous {
			tagName := ""
			required = false
			if uriTag := sf.Tag.Get(key); uriTag != "" {
				tagName = uriTag
				required = true
			r := recursive(in.Field(i), tagName, required, v, res)
			if r {
				isSet = true
		return isSet
Extract the value corresponding to the tag from map

If it cannot be extracted, parameter is not specified, and if it cannot be converted to string, not numeric value is return. (We are investigating a little smarter writing style, including how to handle other types ...)

	if value, ok = m[tag]; !ok && required {
		return nil, "parameter is not specified"

	if value == "" && !required {
		return nil, ""
	if kind == reflect.String {
		r := reflect.ValueOf(value)
		return &r, ""
	if kind == reflect.Int {
		i, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "not numeric value"
		r := reflect.ValueOf(i)
		return &r, ""


I also want to consider the case where - andomitemptycan be specified in the tag.

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