This and that of python properties


I didn't understand python's "property", so I would like to summarize what I have researched.

What is a property in the first place?

[Easy Python]( % E3% 83% AD% E3% 82% B0% E3% 83% 9F% E3% 83% B3% E3% 82% B0% E3% 81% AE% E6% 95% 99% E7% A7% 91% E6 % 9B% B8-% E6% 8E% 8C% E7% 94% B0-% E6% B4% A5% E8% 80% B6% E4% B9% 83 / dp / 4774195782)

I want to manage values well, but I also want to be able to access values naturally like instance variables. "Properties" is the best of both worlds.

Is written. The point is that you can't easily change the value from the outside, and you should think that it is useful when you want to take it out easily.

def property name(self):

'Define a method to retrieve the value of a property'
def property name(self):
return value
'Set the value of the property'
@Property name.setter
def property name (self, value)
Processing to set the value

Properties are defined like this.


When you see it, please think "Hi! I came!".

What are instance variables?

Properties are related to instance variables, so we will discuss instance variables here. Instance variables are variables that exist independently for each instance that is created when the class is executed. It's a little difficult, isn't it?

def __init__(self, message):
    self.message = message #Instance variable message

This "self.message" is an instance variable. Next, let's look at the overall definition and movement.

#Instance variables

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, message):  #Initialization: Called automatically when creating an instance
        self.message = message    #Declare the instance variable message

    def print_message(self):  #A function that displays the value of the instance variable message
        print(self.message)  #Access and display the instance variable message

instance = MyClass("instance")  #Create instance instance
python = MyClass("python")  #Create instance python

print(instance.message)  #Displayed as instance
print(python.message)  #Displayed as python

instance.print_message()  #Displayed as instance
python.print_message()  #Displayed as python

instance.message = 'Python' #self.Change the content of message to "Python"
print(instance.message)  #Shown as Python=What was previously displayed as "instance" has been changed

As you can see in the code above, you can easily retrieve the value, but you can easily change it. If you can make changes easily, unexpected things such as making mistakes will occur. As I said earlier, properties are properties that can be easily retrieved with good management of changes.

Let's deepen your understanding by referring to the usage examples.

Property utilization example

class PropertyClass:
      def __init__(self, msg):
        self.message = msg
      def __str__(self):
        return self.message
      def message(self):
        return self.__message
      def message(self, value):
        if value != '':
          self.__message = value
pc= PropertyClass('Hello')   #  ①
print(pc.messsage)   #Hello ②
pc.message = ''     #Change the content of message from "Hello" to an empty string ③
print(pc)           # Hello  ④
pc.message = 'Bye!' #Change the contents of the message from "Hello" to "Bye"!⑤
print(pc)       #Bye!   ⑥

Pass "Hello" as an argument in ①, and the content of "self.message" becomes "Hello". (2) When the message method is called, "Hello" is returned as the return value. (3) The value of "message" has been changed to an empty string. ④ You should have changed it to an empty string in ③, but "Hello" is displayed again. I wonder why? When setting a new value, the procedure is first performed at "@ message.setter".

if value != '':
          self.__message = value

This time, I am saying that I will accept changes when it is not an empty string like this. Therefore, the empty string was rejected and "Hello" was displayed. ⑤ I will try to change to "Bye!" Next time without discipline. ⑥ This time it is not an empty string, so the change was allowed.

Also, this time, it will not be directly accessed from the outside as "message". Please keep in mind that items with two _ such as "" cannot be accessed from the outside.

The point is that when you set a new value like this, you can control it so that unexpected things do not enter.

You should have understood the general movement in this chapter. Let's take a closer look in the next chapter.

Property and setter movement

Let's deepen our understanding by checking how the part with property and setter is called.

class Myclass:
    def __init__(self, input_name):
        self.hidden_name = input_name

    def name(self):
        print('inside the getter')
        return self.hidden_name

    def name(self, input_name):
        print('inseide the setter')
        self.hidden_name = input_name

mc = Myclass('Hello') #Pass "Hello" as an argument ①
print(     #'Hello'Displayed as+ 'inside the getter'Displayed as ② = 'Python'    #The value'Python'change to+ 'inside the setter'③
print(        #'Python'Displayed as+ 'inside the getter'Displayed as ④

As you can see from the fact that'inside the getter'is displayed in ②, you can see that'@prperty' is being called. On the other hand, when changing the value in ③,'@ name.setter' is called as it says'inside the setter'. As a result, the value is changed normally in ④.

As you can see from this,'@property' is called when calling a value, and'@ 〇〇.setter' is called when changing a value. And you can limit the value with'setter'to prevent unexpected values from entering. As you may have noticed, it's easy to call because you don't need a'()'at the end of the call.


This time I have explained about properties. I wonder if it will be easier to understand if you recognize that it is easy to call and set the value exactly. We will continue to update the articles in the future. Also, if you have time, please take a look at other articles.

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