Ruby learning 2

Methods and so on 2

Currently, I am studying to get the Ruby engineer certification exam silver. I still have a lot of understanding of the language, so I will output from the basics.

Regular expressions

Why use it, what is a regular expression in the first place? I will omit the story, and this time I will decompose the following regular expression that appeared in the mock problem.


/ = Condition surrounded by slashes ^ = Meaning of the beginning of a line. In relation to $ and the set, I think it means "Please satisfy the conditions of the enclosed range from the beginning of the line to the end of the line." Without this, even if a character string that does not meet the conditions is confused, it will pass. $ = End of line. Almost the same as above. In rails, it cannot be used after rails4, and \ A and \ z are used. You can use characters in the range [hc] = []. In this case h or c. * However, h, H, c, C can be used due to the existence of i described later. . * = 0 or more characters of some kind. In short, anything is fine, and there is no need for letters. o = alphabet o. * O or O due to the influence of i described later. i = Case insensitive.

Method argument specification

First, specify the formal and actual arguments that you often see

def jojo(name, stand)
  p "#{name}Stand:#{stand}"

jojo("Jotaro", "Star Platinum")

=> "Jotaro's Stand: Star Platinum"

Since there are two formal arguments, an error will be thrown if the number of actual arguments is insufficient.

Setting the default value

def jojo(name, stand = "None") #Set the default value for the second argument
  p "#{name}Stand:#{stand}"


=> "Jonathan's Stand: None" #The value is returned even if there is no second argument

It is also possible to change from the default value.

def jojo(name, stand = "None")
  p "#{name}Stand:#{stand}"

jojo("Jonathan", "task")

=> "Jonathan's Stand: Task"

Keyword arguments

def jojo(name:, stand: "None") #Set arguments like symbols
  p "#{name}Stand:#{stand}"

jojo(stand: "Killer queen", name: "Kira Yoshikage") #Actual arguments are also passed by specifying keywords. Since the keyword is specified, there is no problem even if the order of the arguments is changed.

=> "Kira Yoshikage Stand: Killer Queen"

Use your favorite arguments for keyword arguments

Any keyword and value can be passed as a hash type.

def jojo(name:, stand: "None", **z)
  p "#{name}Stand:#{stand}"
  p z

jojo(name: "Diabolo",stand: "King Crimson", dododo: "Beside me", gogogo: "Don't get closer")
#Stores keys and values that are not specified as keywords in the formal argument z

=> "Diavolo Stand: King Crimson"
   {:dododo=>"Beside me", :gogogo=>"Don't get closer"}


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