Ruby Learning # 9 Math & Numbers

9 Math & Numbers

puts 5

5 puts 5.76554

5.76554 puts -5.76554


puts 5 + 9


puts 2 ** 3


puts 10 % 3


num = 20 puts ("my fav num " + num) puts ("my fav num " + num.to_s)

my fav num 20

num = -20 puts num.abs()

20 num = 20.487 puts num.round()

20 num = 20.687 puts num.round()


Round up ceil () num = 20.1 puts num.ceil()


Rounded down floor () num = 20.9 puts num.floor()

num = 20.9 puts Math.sqrt() puts Math.sqrt(36)

6 puts Math.log(1)


puts 1 + 7

8 puts 1.0 + 7

8.0 puts 10 / 7


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