Pharmaceutical company researchers have summarized the operators used in Python


Here, we will explain "operators" for Python beginners. It is assumed that you are using Python 3 series.

Arithmetic operator

An operator for performing four arithmetic operations. Half-width spaces are often inserted before and after the operator.

int_1 = 1 + 1 #addition
int_2 = 2 - 1 #subtraction
int_3 = 2 * 3 #multiplication
int_4 = 6 / 3 #Division (even if it is divisible, the calculation result will be a floating point number type)
int_5 = 2 ** 3 #Exponentiation
int_6 = 5 // 2 #Division quotient
int_7 = 5 % 2 #Remainder of division

If you add the strings together, you get a combination of the strings. Also, if you multiply the character string by a number, the character string will be repeated only for the number sentence.

str_1 = 'Hello, '
str_2 = 'World!'
print(str_1 + str_2) # ă€ŒHello, World!Is displayed.

str_bye = 'Bye'
print(str_bye * 2) #"Bye Bye" is displayed.

var_int = 123
# print(str_1 + var_int) #If the strings are not added together, an error will occur.
print(str_1 + str(var_int)) #If you convert a numerical value to a character string, you can add (combine character strings).

Assignment operator

This operator is used when defining and updating variables. There is no "assignment operator" in Python, but it is a concept in other programming languages, so I will write it for the time being.

var_int = 3
var_int = var_int + 2 #Original var_Add 2 to the value of int to update the value of num.
var_int = var_int - 2 #Original var_Update the value of num by subtracting 2 from the value of int.
var_int = var_int * 2 #Original var_Multiply the int value by 2 to update the num value.
var_int = var_int / 2 #Original var_Divide the int value by 2 to update the num value.
var_int = var_int % 2 #Original var_Update the value of num by calculating the remainder of dividing the value of int by 2.

The above script can be rewritten as follows. This is the way to write because it can be written shorter.

var_int = 3
var_int += 2
var_int -= 2
var_int *= 2
var_int /= 2
var_int %= 2

Comparison operator

An operator used to compare the left and right sides.

var_bool = 2 == 2 #Whether the left and right sides are equal
var_bool = 2 != 2 #Whether the left and right sides are not equal
var_bool = 2 < 3 #Whether the left side is smaller than the right side (the left side is less than the right side)
var_bool = 2 > 3 #Whether the left side is larger than the right side
var_bool = 2 <= 3 #Whether the left side is equal to or less than the right side (the left side is less than or equal to the right side)
var_bool = 2 >= 3 #Whether the left side is equal to or greater than the right side (the left side is greater than or equal to the right side)

Logical operator

An operator used for boolean values (boolean values).

var_bool = 2 == 2 and 3 == 3 #Whether all the conditions connected by and are True
var_bool = 2 !=2 or 2 != 3 #Whether any of the conditions connected by or is True
var_bool = not (2 == 2 and 3 == 3) #True if the parentheses are False, False if the parentheses are True


This section describes operators in Python. It's something you use casually, so you don't have to worry too much about it, but it's a good idea to keep it in mind.

Reference materials / links

What is the programming language Python? Can it be used for AI and machine learning?

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