[PYTHON] Dump the contents of redis db with lua

It's a continuation of this I threw lua to redis-server and scanned it in the server to return the key and value, so I made a note of it.


$ python -V
Python 3.7.2

$ redis-cli info | grep redis_version


When using hash or set, read as HSCAN or ZSCAN as appropriate.


local cr    = KEYS[1]
local num   = KEYS[2]
local match = KEYS[3]

local cr2, keys = unpack(redis.call("SCAN", cr, "MATCH", match, "COUNT", num))

local values = redis.pcall("MGET", unpack(keys))
return {cr2, keys, values}


#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import redis
import click

DEFAULT_REDIS_URL = "redis://localhost:6379/3"
DEFAULT_LUA_FILE  = "dump.lua"

def scan_iter(r, lua_script, bulk=2000, match="*"):
    f = r.register_script(lua_script)

    cr = "0"
    while True:
        cr, keys, values = f(keys=[cr, bulk, match])
        if cr == b"0":

        yield from zip(keys, values)

@click.option("--redis-url", envvar="REDIS_URL", default=DEFAULT_REDIS_URL)
@click.option("--lua-file", envvar="LUA_FILE", default=DEFAULT_LUA_FILE, type=click.File("r"))
@click.option("--output", default=os.sys.stdout, type=click.File("w"))
def cmd(redis_url, lua_file, output):
    r = redis.StrictRedis.from_url(redis_url)

    for k, v in scan_iter(r, lua_file.read()):
        output.write("%d" % len(v))

if __name__ == "__main__":


$ pip install redis click

Sample data input

$ jq -n -r 'range(10000)|"set key\(.) value\(.)"' | redis-cli -n 8

Try to dump

$ ./export.py --redis-url redis://localhost:6379/8


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