For the environment construction method, refer to the article Installing JModelica on Ubuntu.
Of course, it is also possible to read compiled FMUs from step 3.
According to Google Sensei, when you say Hello World in Modelica, there are many initial value problems of linear ordinary differential equations of the first order.
\frac{dx(t)}{dt} &=& -x(t) \\
x(0) & = & 1
The method of solving with paper and pencil is left to the textbook, and the derivation of the analytical solution is done with SymPy. Execute the following under the environment where SymPy can be used.
import sympy
x = sympy.Function("x"); t,C1 = sympy.symbols("t C1")
#x(t)Solve about x(t) == C1*exp(-t)
ans = sympy.dsolve(x(t).diff(t)+x(t),x(t))
#Calculate the constant of integration C1(t=0,x(0)=1)And substitute for the expression of ans
C = {C1:ans.subs(x(t),1).subs(t,0).lhs}
#--> x(t) == exp(-t)
From the above, the analytical solution is as follows.
x(t) & = & \exp(-t)
Prepare the following model file
model HelloWorld
Real x(start=1);
der(x)= -x;
end HelloWorld;
Lines 1-5: Model (class) definition 2nd line: Definition of state variable x with initial value 1 3rd line: The relational expression of each variable is defined below. Signal 4th line: Define the equation of dx / dt = -x
Start JModelica in the model file directory. (Change the installation location as appropriate)
from pymodelica import compile_fmu
hello_fmu = compile_fmu("HelloWorld","./")
from pyfmi import load_fmu
hello_model = load_fmu(hello_fmu)
Calculate for 1 second
res = hello_model.simulate(final_time=1)
The result of the state variable x can be accessed with res ["x "]
Graph the above analytical solutions together.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
t = np.linspace(0,1,101)
x = np.exp(-t)
plt.plot(t, x, label="$x=e^(-t)$")
conda install -c assimulo
from assimulo.solvers import CVode
from assimulo.problem import Explicit_Problem
#Define a function that represents a differential equation
def ode_func(t,x):
dxdt = -x[0]
return np.array([dxdt])
#Define and calculate a model that includes explicit problems and integrators
exp_mod = Explicit_Problem(ode_func, 1) #The initial value of x is 1
exp_sim = CVode(exp_mod)
t1, x1 = exp_sim.simulate(1)#Calculation time 1 second
#Result plot
plt.plot(t, x, label="$x=\exp(-t)$")#Analytical solution calculated earlier
plt.plot(res["time"],res["x"],'--',label="JModelica")#Numerical solution of JModelica
plt.plot(t1,x1,'-.',label="assimulo")#Numerical solution of Assimulo
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