[Python] pandas Code that is likely to be reused


import pandas as pd

Data confirmation

# Show first 5 lines
# Show the last 5 lines


Empty data frame

# Empty data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(index=[], columns=[])
df = pd.DataFrame(index=[], columns=range(15))
 df = pd.DataFrame (0, index = range (4), columns = range (15)) Fill with # 0

# Create an empty data frame from an existing data frame
df_blank = df.iloc[0:0]

Columns name replacement

# Replace column names with serial numbers (because it is easy to process with for)
# Replace column names with alphabets (because it is easy to match with Excel)
df.columns=([chr(ord('A') + i) for i in range(26)]+["AA"]+["AB"])

Rename line (Index)

# Reassign index from 0
# Reassign index from 1 (because it is easy to match with Excel)
df.index = df.index + 1
# Assign serial numbers to lines other than the index
serial_num = pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=len(df.index) , step=1)
df['No'] = serial_num

Columns processing

Column extraction

# Show only arbitrary columns
 df [['column name']]
# Lines 1, 2 and 4
# 0-2nd column

Add column

# If you specify no column, the column will be added.
df['job'] = ["Engineer"]
 df ['new_column'] = 0 # Fill the initial value with 0 and add

Condition extraction

df=df[df['A'] > 450]
# Specify multiple conditions
 [Note] An error will occur if (&, |, ~) is not used instead of (and, or, not).
 [Note] When using a comparison operator, an error will occur unless you enclose each condition in parentheses.
df=df[(df['D']==0.0) | (df['D']==0.1)]

Conditional assignment

x=0 → y  x<>0 →x 
dfsum["z"]=dfsum["y"].where(dfsum["x"] ==0, dfsum["x"])
# Substitution
 gf2 ["Batting average"] = gf2 ['Hits'] / gf2 ['At bats']

Rename column

# Convert y to sales
df.rename(columns={'y': 'sales'}, inplace=True)
df.columns = ['year_orig', 'pop', 'rate', '%']

Delete column

 df.drop (5) # Delete line 5
 df.drop ([5,6]) # Delete lines 5,6
df.drop(['remarks'], axis=1, inplace=True)
# Eliminate duplicate column contents
 df = set (column df2.A)

Column value assignment / update

df['A'].apply(lambda x: x * 2)   #=A1*2
 df ['A']. Apply (lambda x: 1 if x> 0 else 0) #IF (A1> 0,1,0)


# If expand = True, it will be split into two, but if not, it will be split in the list format.

Type change

# Initially it is of type object
option Description
inplace=True It will be a destructive change, and the original data will also change

Row (Index) processing

[Note] Since it starts from 0, it becomes Excel line-1.

Row extraction

# Extract rows for a specific section
# Extract only 100 rows
# Extract from line 100 to line 105
# Extract only the first 10 lines

Add line

 If you specify no row, the row will be added.
df.loc['ONE'] = 0
# Add value for each row
df.loc['FIVE'] = ['A5', 'B5', 'C5']

Delete row

# Remove duplicate lines
df.drop(range(0,3),inplace=True )


df['col1'] = df['col1'].str.replace('x', 'z')


# Vertical connection
df=pd.concat([df, df1])
# Horizontal connection
df=pd.concat([df, df1], axis=1)

[Note] If the Index is different, it will not be combined right next to it, so if you want to put it right next to it, reassign the Index.


 dfsum = pd.merge (dfsum, gf2, on ='key', how = "outer")


 gf = df3.groupby ('player name')
 gf1 = gf.agg ({'Home base': max,'Stolen base':'max','Batting average':'max'})


# Substitution
df.loc[99,0] ='▲'
df.loc[:, 2:8] = 0

[Note] SettingWithCopyWarning may occur if df.loc [99] [0] is written (chained indexing). The value does not change


df.sort_values(['sales', 'temperature'], ascending=False)
option Description
ascending=True descending order
ascending=False ascending order


# List → DataFrame

# Data part → list
s = pd.Series([0, 1, 2])
 0    0
 1    1
 2    2
 dtype: int64
list= s.values.tolist()


# Do not display columns and indexes
print(df.to_string(index=False, header=False))

File reading / writing

Excel file reading

df = pd.read_excel('sample.xlsx',sheet_name='sheet1')
option Description
sheet_name="" Specify the sheet name
header=None If specified, read without header
If not specified, the first row is automatically inserted as the column name
header=2 Read the specified line as a header. Lines before that are ignored. Line 0 starts from this point

Excel file export

df.to_excel('sample.xlsx',sheet_name='sheet1', encoding='cp932',index=False, header=False)
option Description
sheet_name="" Specify the sheet name
index=False Delete line name and export
header=False Delete column names and export

read csv file


df1=pd.read_csv(sample.csv,encoding='cp932',names=col_names,low_memory=False )

[Note] If the windows extension character string is mixed, it is necessary to set the character code as cp932. [Note] Enter low_memory = False when reading a heavy file.

Export csv file


Read TAB delimited file

df=pd.read_csv("sample.DAT",encoding='cp932', sep='\t',names=col_names )

Read text file


Text file writing

df.to_csv("employee.csv", sep=",")

Missing data

# Replace NaN in column A with '0.0'
df.fillna(value={'A': 0.0}, inplace=True)
# Delete rows with NaN in column A
df.dropna(subset=[A], axis=0, inplace=True)
# Replace'-' in column A with 0
df['A'] = df['A'].replace('--', 0).astype(float)

# Fill NaN with the value in the upper cell


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

It feels good to change the plot style by doing the following

notation Details of operation
plt.title('Graph title') Set title
plt.xlabel('X-axis label') Set x-axis name
plt.ylabel('Y-axis label') Set y-axis name
plt.xlim(Minimum value of X,Maximum value of X) Specify x-axis range
plt.ylim(Minimum value of Y,Maximum value of Y) Specify y-axis range
plt.legend() Show legend
plt.grid() Show grid lines

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