Python mock to try AWS IoT Device Shadow


I think one of the reasons for using AWS IoT is that you can control Thing / Device by Thing shadow. On the other hand, although I understood the outline, many people think that it is not possible to check the operation because there is no "Thing". You can actually check this on Linux by using the Device SDK. Here, let's check the operation of Thing shadow using EC2 as a virtual device.

[Addition] I've been asked about the meaning of Shadow, so I'll add a little. If you manage one device like this sample, it is not difficult to organize it manually, but in the case of IoT, it is necessary to manage a large number of sensors and gateways. Also, it is not always nearby. I think the value of shadow is that you can manage / change the settings of many / distant devices via the cloud.



Creating Thing

Select registry and select things. When the Thing pane appears, press create at the top of the screen. スクリーンショット 2017-02-07 23.08.11.png

To create a Thing, set an arbitrary name and press create thing. Here, thinname is _ ** shadow-test ** _.

Select Certificate on the screen after creating Thing. Press create certificate on the displayed screen. スクリーンショット 2017-02-07 23.11.03.png

Please download the three certificates created. (cert.pem/public.key/private.key) Also, press ** Active ** displayed at the bottom of the screen to activate the certificate.

Confirm Endpoint

On the AWS IoT console, press Settings at the bottom left of the screen, check the endpoint on the displayed screen, copy it to text, etc. There will be one endpoint for each region. {random}.iot.{region} It is displayed in the form of.


Start EC2

Boot amazon linux on EC2. t2.micro is enough. If you don't know how to start EC2, please refer to here. The default HDD size is sufficient. Don't forget to set the Global IP to log in with SSH.

Install IoT Device SDK on EC2

Since mock is made with python SDK, install Python SDK. Issue the following command from the EC2 console

pip install AWSIoTPythonSDK

Installation of dummy program (mock)

As needed

Place In this post, I will assume that you will work under / tmp.

mkdir /tmp/dummy-shadow
cd /tmp/dummy-shadow
mkdir certs
cd certs

Certificate settings

Get rootCA (placed under certs) Obtained from VeriSign here

curl -o /tmp/root.pem

Also, place the private / cert certificate created earlier in AWS IoT in this certs directory. You can also copy and paste with scp / vi. The file name is cert => cert.pem private => private.pem Please. Try to get the following result.

ls -1 /tmp/certs

Installation of dummy (mock)

Place the following files in / tmp / dummy-shadow. Please set YOUR_AWSIOT_DOMAIN according to your environment. To check your domain, see AWS IoT Console Settings => Custom endpoint.


   "AWSIoT": {
        "KEYS":["cert.pem", "public.pem", "root.pem"]

Below is the dummy program

import os
import sys
import json
import time
from AWSIoTPythonSDK.MQTTLib import AWSIoTMQTTShadowClient

CONFIG_FILE = './setup.json'

#Fixed definition of the state when the application starts(Variables that synchronize with shadow)
SIGNAL    = "green"

#Since shadow is read from the callback function, it is defined as global
shadow         = None
shadow_hundler = None

# setup.Read settings from json
def readConfig():
    print 'start readConfig func'

        # read config file
        f = open(CONFIG_FILE, "r")
        jsonData = json.load(f)

        list = {}
        list["ENDPOINT"]    = jsonData["AWSIoT"]["ENDPOINT"]
        list["CERT_PATH"]   = jsonData["AWSIoT"]["CERT_PATH"]
        list["DEVICE_NAME"] = jsonData["DEVICE"]["NAME"]
        return list

    except Exception as e:
        print 'Config load error'
        print e.message

#Issuance of Shadow update command
def updateThing(report):
        report_json = '{"state":{"reported":'+ report + '}}'
        print "send currnet status to cloud-shadow"
        print report_json
        shadow_hundler.shadowUpdate(report_json, None, 5)
    except Exception as e:
        print e.message
#Called as a callback type from shadowRegisterDeltaCallback
def getDelta(payload, responseStatus, token):
        print '======get Delta======'
        dict_delta = json.loads(payload)
        print dict_delta
        state = dict_delta["state"]
        if state.has_key("wait_time"):
            delta = int(state["wait_time"])
            global WAIT_TIME
            WAIT_TIME = delta
            print "wait time change :%s" % WAIT_TIME
        if state.has_key('signal'):
            global SIGNAL
            SIGNAL = state['signal']
            print "SIGNAL change :%s" % SIGNAL

        report = json.dumps(dict_delta["state"])

    except Exception as e:
        print "Error on Delta function"
        print e.message

#Shadow connection procedural function
def initShadow(Config):
    ##--need device cert / private / rootCA--
    # rootCA: get from symantec
    ROOT_KEY    = Config['CERT_PATH'] + 'root.pem'
    CERT_KEY    = Config['CERT_PATH'] + 'cert.pem'
    PRIVATE_KEY = Config['CERT_PATH'] + 'private.pem'
        # init shadow connect procedure
        global shadow
        shadow = AWSIoTMQTTShadowClient(Config["DEVICE_NAME"])
        shadow.configureEndpoint(Config["ENDPOINT"], 8883)    # Setting URL-ENDPOINT & Port
        shadow.configureCredentials(ROOT_KEY, PRIVATE_KEY, CERT_KEY ) # Cert file setting
        shadow.configureConnectDisconnectTimeout(10)# CONNACK wait time (sec)
        shadow.configureMQTTOperationTimeout(5)     # QoS1 publish (sec)
        print 'start connct shadow'
        print 'shadow connect'
    except Exception as e:
        print 'Error on Init Shadow'
if __name__ == '__main__':
    Config = readConfig()
        print 'satrt subscribe shadow'
        shadow_hundler = shadow.createShadowHandlerWithName(Config['DEVICE_NAME'], True)
        default_state = '{"wait_time":' + str(WAIT_TIME) + ', "signal":"green"}'

        while True:
            print 'Currnet WAIT_TIME=%s' % str(WAIT_TIME)

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
         print 'Keyboard Interrupt'

    except Exception as e:
        print e.message

Execution method

python &

Starts in the background with.

shadow update

Perform shadow update on the console or CLI. Select Resistor => Thing => [Thing Name] => Shadow.

Add a desired section as shown below, and try registering with wait_time: 30, signal: "green". Then, as delta, wait_time: 30 That is, only the difference is reported to thing as delta.

スクリーンショット 2017-02-19 22.20.44.png

If you look at the console on the program side, you should see the delta and the sole. So, as you can see from the code, I changed the variable wait_time and sent back [state]. Since the state that should be as eventual consistency is written in the state of delta, it is not necessary to create JSON one by one just by reporting this when __correct state transition __ is made. As mentioned above, please note that if you report in a state where the state transition cannot be performed correctly, it will be misaligned.

When this report is sent, the delta should be gone and desired / reported should have the same value.

Rough sequence

The rough sequence is shown below.

スクリーンショット 2017-02-19 22.38.16.png

Hard-coded as report status when the program starts SIGNAL = "green" WAIT_TIME = 10 Will be notified. If the shadow state is changed several times, the above initial parameters will be notified immediately after the program is started, and delta will be received immediately.


This post is an individual opinion and is not related to the company or organization to which it belongs. In addition, we do not guarantee the operation of the sample program posted, so please use it as a reference only.

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