The command to create an application is ** rails new application name **
rails new myapp
Options can be specified when creating a new application.
When creating an application by specifying the version ** rails _ version _ new application name **
rails _5.2.3_ new myapp
## Database specification
When creating an application by specifying a database
** rails new application name -d database type **
```rails new myapp -d mysql```
If no database is specified, the database defaults to sqlite.
## Do not create a test
If you want to create an application without creating a test
** rails new application name -T **
## Do not create .gitignore file
If you want to create an application without creating a .gitignore file
** rails new application name -G **
## Other options
There are various options other than the above.
You can get help with the following command to see all the optional commands and their contents.
**rails new -h**
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