[LINUX] I put Arch in XPS 13 (7390) (Note)


A memorandum of the procedure and addiction when Arch was installed in XPS 13 (7390).

Referenced site

Archwiki Installation Guide My Arch Linux Install and Configuration on a Dell XPS 13 7390 (2019) Memo: Memo when Arch Linux is installed on Dell XPS 13 (7390) Arch Linux --wifi-menu is missing, so connect wirelessly with the iwctl command

Basically, I referred to this area.

Addictive and solution

Critical Error Message No bootable devices found. -> Install Arch Linux (settings for each of the three boot methods)

After rebooting, Error: device'/ dev/mapper/vg0-root' not found.

->[SOLVED] Installed LTS kernel- device '/dev/mapper/vg0-root' not found I was most addicted to this ...


HOOKS=(base udev autodetect keyboard keymap consolefont modconf block lvm2 encrypt filesystems fsck)


GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”cryptdevice=UUID=[UUIDofdevice]:vg0 root=/dev/mapper/vg0-root”

Check the UUID with the command below.

# cryptsetup luksUUID /dev/nvme0n1p2

Reboot-> wifi connection is not possible after installation

-> Install iw, dhcpcd, wpa_supplicant in advance. My Arch Linux Install and Configuration on a Dell XPS 13 7390 (2019)

connect to wifi

-> wpa_supplicant -> netctl -> Arch Linux-Wireless LAN Connection -> Wireless Settings

This area was useful. wifi worked fine if I used NetworkManager instead of netctl. Also, if the driver does not work well, it is good to check if it conflicts with other drivers.

# systemctl list-unit-files --state=enabled

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