[PYTHON] A summary of what I have touched like a blog

python flask A library for python web applications. Sending and receiving via protocol communication is fairly easy. You can calculate the received numerical value on the python side or summarize it in a table. It seems that it is not suitable for building a large-scale system such as Instagram. However, there is no problem in creating a simple web application. Accurate and inaccurate information is widespread and needs to be implemented and verified. Knowledge of port opening is required.

http://python.zombie-hunting-club.com/entry/2017/11/03/223503 I learned the basics of how to use flask from here.

https://qiita.com/keimoriyama/items/7c935c91e95d857714fb https://qiita.com/5zm/items/ac8c9d1d74d012e682b4 [Kleinant → Server] For reference on how to get a file from a client.

https://qiita.com/5zm/items/760000cf63b176be544c [Server → Kleinant] For reference on how to throw a file to a client using protocol communication.

matplotlib,sympy The one when I suddenly think about it and want to draw a graph. matplotlib is a drawing library and sympy is a simulation library. I don't know what it is, but I use both.

https://qiita.com/HigashinoSola/items/2ab8894b543e0c55cfa7 This page is well organized and good for beginners.

https://qiita.com/orange_u/items/8a1e285a45093857aef7 I used it as a reference when drawing in 3D.

https://matplotlib.org/3.1.0/gallery/mplot3d/text3d.html How to write text in 3D drawing. As you can see in the page above,

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# x, y, z are coordinates, Text is a str type character, dir is (x, y, z) and the angle to the camera

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