Library for mathematical optimization modeling.
Solvers such as Gurobi
, and GLPK
can be used.
I don't know much about optimization, so I plan to study in the future.
The procedure for solving a problem with a mathematical model is as follows.
LpProblem(name='NoName', sense=LpMinimize)
: Mathematical model name. Default is NoName
: Either minimize (LpMinimize) or maximize (LpMaximize).
LpVariable(name, lowBound=None, upBound=None, cat='Continuous', e=None)
: Variable name
-- lowBound
: Lower limit
--ʻUpBound: Upper limit --
cat`: Variable type
: Continuous variableLpInteger
: Integer variableLpBinary
: Binary variablesCan be created like " x + 2 * y
"using variables
It is also possible to add terms to the expression later
Specify the objective function as "m + = expression
" (however, m
is a mathematical model)
Can be created like " x + y <= 1
"using variables
It is also possible to add a term later on the left side of the constraint
Constraints are specified as " m + = expression <= right side
Functions that seem to be used often
value ()
: Fetch the value of a variable
lpSum ()
: Find the sum of terms
lpDot ()
: Find the dot product of two lists
The cheat sheet is here
Put as many items as possible in a knapsack then:
--The maximum weight that can be put in a knapsack is 600 grams.
There are restrictions like. So what do you do?
Insert the item $ s_i $ → $ v_i = 1 $ Do not put item $ s_i $ → $ v_i = 0 $
\max & \sum_i{s_i \ v_i} \\
\mbox{subject to} & \sum_i{s_i \ v_i} \leq C \\
& v_i \in \{0, 1\} ~ \forall i
>>> #The weight of the item
>>> s = [128, 108, 34, 53, 71, 224, 299, 181, 336, 15]
>>> #Maximum load capacity of knapsack
>>> C = 600
>>> #Library preparation
>>> from pulp import LpProblem, LpVariable, LpMaximize, LpBinary
>>> rn = range(len(s))
>>> #Model preparation
>>> m = LpProblem('knapsack', LpMaximize)
>>> #variable(0 whether to include the i-th item/1)
>>> v = [LpVariable('v%d' % i, cat = LpBinary) for i in rn]
>>> #Objective function
>>> m += lpDot(s, v)
>>> #Constraint
>>> m += lpDot(s, v) <= C
>>> #solve
>>> m.solve()
>>> #output
>>> print(LpStatus[m.status], sum(s[i] * value(v[i]) for i in rn))
>>> print([s[i] for i in rn if value(v[i]) > 0.5])
Optimal 600.0
[108, 34, 53, 224, 181]
Other optimization problems can be solved by formulating (like)
The problem of selecting p from the facility candidates and minimizing the total distance from the demand point to the facility
\min & \sum_i{\sum_j{d_{ij} \ x_{ij}}} ~ ~ ~ ~ (1) \\
\mbox{subject to} & \sum_i{y_i} = p ~ ~ ~ ~ (2) \\
& \sum_i{x_{ij}} = 1 ~ \forall j ~ ~ ~ ~ (3) \\
& x_{ij} \leq y_i ~ \forall i, j ~ ~ ~ ~ (4) \\
& x_{ij} \in \{0, 1\} ~ \forall i, j
That is common.
\min & \mbox{no objective function} \\
\mbox{subject to} & \sum_k{v_{ijk}} = 1 ~ \forall i, j ~ (1)\\
& \sum_k{v_{ikj}} = 1 ~ \forall i, j ~ (2) \\
& \sum_k{v_{kij}} = 1 ~ \forall i, j ~ (3) \\
& 3\The same applies to the squares of times3~ (4) \\
& v_{ijk} \in \{0, 1\} ~ \forall i, j, k
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