Python memorandum (personal bookmark)

Maybe garbage posts ...: sweat: Updated sequentially.


Merchandise and remainder

-Get division quotient and remainder at the same time with Python divmod |

q = 10 // 3    #quotient
mod = 10 % 3   #remainder
q, mod = divmod(10, 3)    #Merchandise and remainder at the same time


-Swap (swap / sort) variables and list values in Python |

a, b = b, a

I don't need tmp anymore ...

Euclidean algorithm Python version

-Extended Euclidean algorithm ~ How to solve the linear indefinite equation ax + by = c ~ --Qiita

def gcd(a, n):
    if n == 0:
        return  a
        return gcd(n, a % n)

Or there is a standard library etc.

-math.gcd (a, b) — math --- math functions — Python 3.8.3 documentation * Added in version 3.5

Trouble with Windows

-Frequently Asked Questions about Using Python on Windows | Microsoft Docs

To disable the shortcut without installing Python, go to Start, open Manage app execution aliases, find the "App Installer" Python entry, and turn it off. Switch to ".

Python official etc.

Anaconda related

Python virtual environment

--venv --- Creating a Virtual Environment — Python 3.8.3 Documentation

Science and Technology Calculation / Statistics


Commentary in Japanese


Machine learning

Morphological analysis

Web framework

Extra edition

Database connection


Image processing


-Let's do character recognition using Python and Tesseract OCR! --GIS Struggle -How to execute OCR with Python | Gammasoft Co., Ltd.

Excel operation


-[Introduction to Pygame] Game Programming [Python] | Nishizumi Kobo


-Dive Into Python 3 Japanese version -[Remember in 1 hour? Python: Introspection (question / survey function for objects)]( Python_1HourStudy / index_class_introsection.html)

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