Maybe garbage posts ...: sweat: Updated sequentially.
-Get division quotient and remainder at the same time with Python divmod |
q = 10 // 3 #quotient
mod = 10 % 3 #remainder
q, mod = divmod(10, 3) #Merchandise and remainder at the same time
-Swap (swap / sort) variables and list values in Python |
a, b = b, a
I don't need tmp anymore ...
-Extended Euclidean algorithm ~ How to solve the linear indefinite equation ax + by = c ~ --Qiita
def gcd(a, n):
if n == 0:
return a
return gcd(n, a % n)
Or there is a standard library etc.
-math.gcd (a, b) — math --- math functions — Python 3.8.3 documentation * Added in version 3.5
-Frequently Asked Questions about Using Python on Windows | Microsoft Docs
To disable the shortcut without installing Python, go to Start, open Manage app execution aliases, find the "App Installer" Python entry, and turn it off. Switch to ".
--venv --- Creating a Virtual Environment — Python 3.8.3 Documentation
-Let's do character recognition using Python and Tesseract OCR! --GIS Struggle -How to execute OCR with Python | Gammasoft Co., Ltd.
-[Introduction to Pygame] Game Programming [Python] | Nishizumi Kobo
-Dive Into Python 3 Japanese version -[Remember in 1 hour? Python: Introspection (question / survey function for objects)]( Python_1HourStudy / index_class_introsection.html)
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