[PYTHON] Migemo version of the: find command,: mfind

The basic part is: find as it is.

Naturally you need the cmigemo command and its dictionary (I think it will come in if you put in cmigemo)

At first, I tried to use PyMigemo, but I can't install it with Python3, and I don't know Python, so it seems to be difficult. I secretly launch the cmigemo command with popen and use it.

In rc.conf


map f console mfind 

It will be convenient to do it. (Don't forget to put a space at the end of the line!)


# Copyright (C) 2012 anekos
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Roman Zimbelmann <[email protected]>
# This configuration file is licensed under the same terms as ranger.
# ranger - http://ranger.nongnu.org/

class mfind(Command):
:mfind <EXPR{2,}>

Migemized find.

  tab = Command._tab_directory_content
  last_rexpr = None
  migemo = None

  def get_instance (self):
    if not self.migemo:
      from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
      self.migemo = Popen(["cmigemo", "-q", "-d", "/usr/share/migemo/utf-8/migemo-dict"], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE)
    return self.migemo

  def get_rexpr (self, expr):
    if not expr or len(expr) <= 1:
      return None

    m = self.get_instance()
    m.stdin.write(bytearray(expr + "\n", "UTF-8"))

    migemo_result = str(m.stdout.readline(), "UTF-8").rstrip()
      import re
      return re.compile(migemo_result, re.L | re.U | re.I)
      return None

  def execute (self):
    if self.quick():

    # for n/N (search_next)
    if self.last_rexpr:
      self.fm.thistab.last_search = self.last_rexpr
      self.fm.search_method = 'search'

  def quick(self):
    cwd = self.fm.thisdir
    arg = self.rest(1)
    if not arg:
      return False

    if arg == '.':
      return False
    if arg == '..':
      return True

    rexpr = self.get_rexpr(arg)
    self.last_rexpr = rexpr

    if not rexpr:
      return False

    count = 0
    deq = deque(cwd.files)
    i = 0
    for fsobj in deq:
      from re import search
      if search(rexpr, fsobj.basename):
        count += 1
        if count == 1:
          cwd.move(to=(cwd.pointer + i) % len(cwd.files))
          self.fm.thisfile = cwd.pointed_obj
      if count > 1:
        return False
      i += 1

    return count == 1

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