[PYTHON] I tried to install Docker on Windows 10 Home but it didn't work

Install Docker on Windows 10 Home

I'm thinking of starting to study Python, but anyway with Docker I thought about creating an environment.

However, since Docker Desktop for Windows is premised on using Hyper-V, It looks like you need Windows 10 Pro. To use Docker on Windows 10 Home, you should install Docker Toolbox.

I was checking the installation procedure of Docker Toolbox, I saw an article that Docker Desktop for Windows supports WSL2 of Windows 10 Home D I tried installing Dockr Desktop for windows on Windows10 Home.

First try Docker installation

Install Docker.



Click the Get stable button from Dockerhub.


Start installation.


It looks like no good. Is the OS build old?

Try Windows Update

Docker Desktop for windows is supported It seems to be Windows10 Home (19018 or later), so I will update it.

When I looked it up, it seems that the Windows Insider Program will slow it down and update it. insider.jpg

There is no slow setting.

https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20200616-1057186/ Is the delivery method changed from a link system to a channel system? Fast ring-> Dev channel, Slow ring-> Beta channel, Release Preview ring-> Release Preview channel.

Alright, Windows 10 update.


That has stopped. What's stuck?


I can't proceed to the update destination.

It's on hold until this is resolved.

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