[Traveling Salesman Problem (Wikipedia)](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B7%A1%E5%9B%9E%E3%82%BB%E3%83%BC%E3%83 % AB% E3% 82% B9% E3% 83% 9E% E3% 83% B3% E5% 95% 8F% E9% A1% 8C) [Branch and bound method (Wikipedia)](https: // ja. Solve with wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%88%86%E6%9E%9D%E9%99%90%E5%AE%9A%E6%B3%95). The other day [Knapsack problem (Wikipedia)](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%8A%E3%83%83%E3%83%97%E3%82%B5%E3%83 % 83% E3% 82% AF% E5% 95% 8F% E9% A1% 8C) was solved by the branch-and-bound method. Solving the Python knapsack problem with a branch and bound method
When the distance (cost) from the given city i to the city j is given, it goes around all the cities once and finds the route that minimizes the cost.
We would appreciate it if you could let us know if there are any deficiencies or suggestions for improvement regarding the code.
Here, the distance (cost) from city i to city j is an example of the following problem. The number of cities (nodes) is 10. The distance (cost) from city i to city i is infinite. Create a program that solves the traveling salesman problem expressed in this way by the branch-and-bound method.
[ math.inf, 22, 16, 21, 19, 24, 17, 21, 30, 29],
[ 16, math.inf, 16, 29, 16, 20, 20, 24, 26, 19],
[ 19, 27, math.inf, 22, 18, 20, 30, 26, 21, 27],
[ 28, 29, 24, math.inf, 28, 26, 18, 17, 16, 21],
[ 18, 26, 24, 21, math.inf, 26, 20, 19, 24, 20],
[ 16, 22, 26, 25, 26, math.inf, 26, 30, 28, 27],
[ 17, 20, 18, 20, 30, 28, math.inf, 30, 29, 16],
[ 24, 19, 16, 20, 19, 30, 23, math.inf, 22, 22],
[ 26, 29, 18, 22, 21, 20, 30, 22, math.inf, 17],
[ 19, 28, 29, 18, 23, 23, 30, 28, 21, math.inf]
import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame
import math
import copy
class Salesman():
def __init__(self, route_list):
self.route_df = DataFrame(route_list)
self.stack_search_nodes = [] #A group of nodes stacked with solutions to mitigation problems
self.present_nodes = [] #Just the node you are searching for(1 or 2)
self.suitable_val = math.inf #Provisional value
self.suitable_ans = [] #Provisional solution
self.node_num = self.route_df.shape[0] #Number of nodes
#The minimum value of the given DataFrame[index, column]Return a pair
def __minimumRoute(self, target_route_df):
min_index = target_route_df.idxmin(axis=1) #Minimum column for each row
minimum = math.inf #Initial value of the minimum value
loc = [-1, -1] #Initial value of position
for index, column in zip(min_index.index, min_index.values):
if math.isnan(column): #NaN when all lines are inf,This is not the minimum
if minimum > target_route_df[column][index]:
minimum = target_route_df[column][index] #Minimum value update
loc = [index, column] # index,Update column position
return loc
#Given a default DataFrame and an array of route selections, it returns the optimal value
def __calcSuitableSum(self, route_list):
route_df_tmp = copy.deepcopy(self.route_df)
route_length = 0
for route in route_list:
if route[2] == 0: #When selecting this route
route_length += route_df_tmp[route[1]][route[0]] #Added to route length
if (route[1] in route_df_tmp.index and route[0] in route_df_tmp.columns): #When the corresponding element still exists in the DataFrame of the reduced path
route_df_tmp[route[0]][route[1]] = math.inf # DataFrame[column][index],Reverse route of the corresponding road(1->When 2 2->1)Will not be adopted, so inf
route_df_tmp = route_df_tmp.drop(route[0], axis=0) #Delete line of the corresponding route
route_df_tmp = route_df_tmp.drop(route[1], axis=1) #Delete the column of the corresponding route
else: #When not selecting this route
if (route[0] in route_df_tmp.index and route[1] in route_df_tmp.columns): #When the corresponding element still exists in the DataFrame of the reduced path
route_df_tmp[route[1]][route[0]] = math.inf #Since it is not adopted, let the corresponding route be inf
min_sum = 0 #Add the path lengths of mitigation problems
next_route = copy.deepcopy(route_df_tmp) #DataFrame at this point is next_Keep on route
for index in route_df_tmp.index: #Run on each line
min_tmp = route_df_tmp.ix[index, :].min() #Get the minimum value of a row
min_sum += min_tmp #Add the minimum value
route_df_tmp.ix[index, :] = route_df_tmp.ix[index, :] - min_tmp #Subtract the minimum value from each element in the row
for column in route_df_tmp.columns: #Run on each column
min_tmp = route_df_tmp.ix[:, column].min() #Get column minimum
min_sum += min_tmp #Add the minimum value
route_df_tmp.ix[:, column] = route_df_tmp.ix[:, column] - min_tmp #Subtract the minimum value from each element in that column
route_length += min_sum #Added to route length
return route_length, next_route #DataFrame of the route length and the route at the time of the node
#Check if the cycle is closed
def __checkClosedCircle(self, route_list, route_df_tmp):
# route_df_Assuming tmp is 2x2
mini_route = self.__minimumRoute(route_df_tmp) # route_df_Of the smallest element of tmp[index, coumn]
if mini_route == [-1, -1]: #route_df_When all tmp are inf
return False
mini_route.append(0) #Add 0 because it is the route to be adopted
route_list.append(mini_route) #Add to route list
route_df_tmp = route_df_tmp.drop(mini_route[0], axis=0) #Delete row
route_df_tmp = route_df_tmp.drop(mini_route[1], axis=1) #Delete column
last_route = [route_df_tmp.index[0], route_df_tmp.columns[0]] #Get the rest of the elements
last_route.append(0) #Add 0 because it is the route to be adopted
route_list.append(last_route) #Add to route list
label, counter = 0, 0 #label is the current position,counter is the number of moves
for i in range(self.node_num): #Maximum number of iterations is number of nodes
for route in route_list:
if route[0] == label and route[2] == 0: #If the starting point is label and the adopted route
new_label = route[1] #Label update
counter += 1 #counter increment
label = new_label
if label == 0: #If label is 0, the round is over
if counter == self.node_num: #If the number of movements matches the number of nodes, the cycle is closed.
return True
return False
#Add a new route to the route to a certain node and present_Add to nodes
def __setPresentNodes(self, target_route, target_branch):
for status in range(2):
target_route_tmp = copy.deepcopy(target_route) # target_Copy ele
target_route_tmp.append(status) # status(Approval) added
target_branch_tmp = copy.deepcopy(target_branch) # target_Copy branch
target_branch_tmp.append(target_route_tmp) #Add route
self.present_nodes.append(target_branch_tmp) # present_Added to nodes
#Evaluate the relevant node,Evaluate the node if branching is possible,If the branch ends, compare with the provisional value
def __evaluateNode(self, target_node):
if (False if target_node[1].shape == (2, 2) else True): #When you can still branch,Judgment is target_DataFrame of node has not reached 2x2
next_route = self.__minimumRoute(target_node[1]) #Get the smallest element[index, column]
if next_route != [-1, -1]: # [-1, -1]In the case of, the distance becomes inf, so it is not suitable., present_Add nothing to nodes
self.__setPresentNodes(next_route, target_node[0])
else: #At the end of the branch
if self.__checkClosedCircle(target_node[0], target_node[1]): #Is it a one-round cycle?
if self.suitable_val > target_node[2]: #Is it smaller than the provisional value?
self.suitable_val = target_node[2] #Update of provisional value
self.suitable_ans = target_node[0] #Update of provisional solution
#Convert a list of routes to path
def __displayRoutePath(self, route_list):
label, counter, route_path = 0, 0, "0" #label is the current position,counter is the number of moves, route_path is the route
for i in range(self.node_num): #Maximum number of iterations is number of nodes
for route in route_list:
if route[0] == label and route[2] == 0: #If the starting point is label and the adopted route
new_label = route[1] #Label update
route_path += " -> " + str(new_label)
counter += 1 #counter increment
label = new_label
if label == 0: #If label is 0, the round is over
return route_path
#Calculate the optimum value and the optimum solution(Main method)
def getSuitableAns(self):
target_route = self.__minimumRoute(self.route_df) #Get the minimum element of DataFrame of route
self.__setPresentNodes(target_route, []) # present_Set to nodes
while True:
if self.suitable_val != math.inf: #When the provisional value of the optimal solution is set
self.stack_search_nodes = list(filter(lambda node: node[2] < self.suitable_val, self.stack_search_nodes)) #Exclude if the solution of the mitigation problem of stacked nodes exceeds the provisional value
while len(self.present_nodes) != 0: #If there is a list of searches, ask the solution of the mitigation problem and stack
first_list = self.present_nodes[0] # present_Get to evaluate nodes
self.present_nodes.pop(0) #I will evaluate it so present_Exclude from nodes
route_length, next_route = self.__calcSuitableSum(first_list) #Get the solution to the mitigation problem
self.stack_search_nodes.insert(0, [first_list, next_route, route_length]) #stack
if len(self.stack_search_nodes) == 0: #Exit when there are no more stacks
#When the number of stacked nodes is 1, or when the solution of the first mitigation problem of the stacked nodes is smaller than the solution of the second mitigation problem(To confirm from the solution that seems to be good)
if len(self.stack_search_nodes) == 1 or self.stack_search_nodes[0][2] <= self.stack_search_nodes[1][2]:
self.__evaluateNode(self.stack_search_nodes[0]) #Evaluate the first node
self.stack_search_nodes.pop(0) #Delete the first node
self.__evaluateNode(self.stack_search_nodes[1]) #Evaluate the second node
self.stack_search_nodes.pop(1) #Delete the second node
return self.suitable_val, self.__displayRoutePath(self.suitable_ans) #Returns the optimum value and the optimum route
#List of problem routes
route_list = [
[ math.inf, 22, 16, 21, 19, 24, 17, 21, 30, 29],
[ 16, math.inf, 16, 29, 16, 20, 20, 24, 26, 19],
[ 19, 27, math.inf, 22, 18, 20, 30, 26, 21, 27],
[ 28, 29, 24, math.inf, 28, 26, 18, 17, 16, 21],
[ 18, 26, 24, 21, math.inf, 26, 20, 19, 24, 20],
[ 16, 22, 26, 25, 26, math.inf, 26, 30, 28, 27],
[ 17, 20, 18, 20, 30, 28, math.inf, 30, 29, 16],
[ 24, 19, 16, 20, 19, 30, 23, math.inf, 22, 22],
[ 26, 29, 18, 22, 21, 20, 30, 22, math.inf, 17],
[ 19, 28, 29, 18, 23, 23, 30, 28, 21, math.inf]
#Instantiate and use method
salesman = Salesman(route_list)
suitable_val, suitable_route = salesman.getSuitableAns()
0 -> 6 -> 9 -> 3 -> 8 -> 2 -> 4 -> 7 -> 1 -> 5 -> 0
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