With fastlane spaces ip
, you can easily perform various operations on Apple Store Connect with commands.
This time, I will introduce how to create a SandBox account from the introduction of fastlane.
$ sudo gem install fastlane -NV
$ brew install fastlane
$ fastlane init
After setup, the fastlane
directory will be created.
I will describe various
in it, but there is also an official method to describe thisFastfile
in Swift.
$ fastlane init swift
This time, I will omit the simple setup after this described in Swift. Fastlane.swift docs
Write the following in Fastfile
platform :ios do
desc "Create Sandbox Account"
lane :create_tester do
require 'pp'
require 'spaceship'
Spaceship::Tunes.login("mail address", "password")
desc "Select Team ID if you have multiple teams in your account"
desc "If you don't know your team ID Spaceship::Tunes.select_If you write only the team, you can select from the candidates later"
Spaceship::Tunes.select_team(team_id: "Team ID")
tester = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::SandboxTester.create(
first_name: "test",
last_name: "name",
email: "[email protected]",
password: "Test1234",
confirm_password: "Test1234",
secret_question: "Question",
secret_answer: "Answer",
birth_date: "1993-03-01",
app_store_territory: "USA"
pp tester
Please change the information of tester
Running the command in the console will create a SandBox account!
fastlane create_tester
Reference: fastlane doc
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