This time, I would like to record the procedure for implementing a super-simple search application using the Rakuten product search API. Perhaps it's the simplest way to do it, aside from being easy to understand ...? I think it is selfish. This time, error handling is omitted.
https://webservice.rakuten.co.jp/ Let's register from the above and get the application ID.
rails g controller items search
If you enter this command in the terminal, you can enter the controller or view (search.html.erb), It also describes the routing (modify the routing to your liking).
<h2 class="product-subtitle-explain">Let's search for products!</h2>
<%= form_with url:product_search_path, method: :get, local: true do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :keyword, placeholder: "Please enter a search keyword", autocomplete: 'off' %>
<%= f.submit "Search" , :name => nil%>
<% end %>
<h2>search results</h2>
<%= render partial: 'item_list' %>
Is it something like this? Since there is nothing to save in particular, write the url in form_with as to which action to skip.
:Search word as keyword:Store in keyword. ← Important!
#### **` "Please enter a search keyword"As an example, I put the characters on the form. Also,`**
#### **` 'off'So, I have disabled form auto-completion.`**
Last but not least, I would like you to pay attention to this.
#### **` 'product_list' %>`**
```<%= render partial
As a result, the part where the search results are displayed is skipped to another view file.
So here, in app / views / item,
#### **`_item.list.Create erb. The search I made earlier.html.It's the same place as erb.`**
Next is the render destination _item.list.erb, I will write a description to display the result.
<% @items.first(10).each do |item| %>
<img src="<%= item['smallImageUrls'][0] %>">
<a href="<%= item['itemUrl']%>" target="_blank"><%= item['itemName']%></a>
<%= item['itemPrice'] %>Circle
<% end %>
Looking from above, first
<% @items.first(10).each do |item| %>★<%end%>
As a result, I described what I wanted to copy in the product.
#### **`.first(10)By doing so, the first 10 items that were caught in the search are displayed.`**
Will be defined in the search controller after this! (Even if you look at the view now, an error will occur)
I'm getting the first image of an item in a small size.
I'm getting the URL to go to the item details.
When I click an item, I open another tab and go to Rakuten's product details page.
I'm getting the name of the item.
I am getting the price of the item.
You can also get various information about the item. ↓
https://webservice.rakuten.co.jp/sdk/ruby.html We will implement it based on.
gem 'rakuten_web_service'
To the gem file and `bundle install`
Please restart the terminal.
From here, we will enter the description of the items controller.
class ProductController < ApplicationController
require 'rakuten_web_service'
def search
if params[:keyword].present?
@items = RakutenWebService::Ichiba::Item.search(keyword: params[:keyword])
render :search
params[:keyword]Is search.html.Keywords are stored in the input form of erb.
Check [: keyword] in params and store it in @items.
#### **`RakutenWebService::Ichiba::Item.search is a cliché. For more information`**
https://webservice.rakuten.co.jp/sdk/ruby.html Please take a look.
Create rukuten.rb under config / initialize. I will describe the application ID in it The description method differs depending on the timing, so be sure to check the formula as well.
RakutenWebService.configure do |c|
c.application_id = '*******************'
c.affiliate_id = '*******************'← This is optional
When using environment variables:
RakutenWebService.configure do |c|
c.application_id = ENV['RWS_APPLICATION_ID']
c.affiliate_id = ENV["RWS_AFFILIATION_ID"]
After it works, set the environment variables even in the production environment.
After preparing with HTML / CSS, I think it will probably look like this.
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