[PYTHON] Create patent map with Streamlit


Explanation ↓

(Version 1) Machine-learned vector embedding based on document contents and metadata, where two documents that have similar technical content have a high dot product score of their embedding vectors.

__ Completed __

Note: If you move it all the time, it will cost GCP, so it will stop without notice. It doesn't do any load balancing either, so it can take some time to output. </ font>


1 Create ipynb files etc. with Notebooks of AI Platform

First, create a python application side with AI Notebook on GCP. One .ipynb file and two .py files, as shown below.


2 Port opening, etc.

To make it available on the web After proceeding with the Streamlit Tutorial, go to Run Streamlit remotely While referring to it, open the port of the external IP address of GCE where AI Notebook is running.

VPC Network ⇒ Firewall, Specify port = 8501 in TCP (specify streamlit). SourdeIPRange designation (accepted and provided from all)

  • For security, it seems better to narrow down the addresses to be released. Under review

2 Contents of streamlit

There are 3 files.

  • The first is to simply install and run streamlit
!streamlit run claimgen.py
  • Second: Something like the front
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go

#Third created py file
import um

def drawfig(dataframe,cc):
    x = dataframe['xpos'].values
    y = dataframe['ypos'].values

    fig = go.Figure(go.Histogram2dContour(
        x = x,
        y = y,
        #xbins={'end':200, 'size':1, 'start': 0},
        zmin = 0,
        #zmax = 500,
        colorscale = 'Jet',
        contours = dict(
            showlabels = True,
            labelfont = dict(
                family = 'Raleway',
                color = 'white'
        hoverlabel = dict(
            bgcolor = 'white',
            bordercolor = 'black',
            font = dict(
                family = 'Raleway',
                color = 'black'

                marker=dict(size=3.5, color="blue"),
                text= "<a href='" + dataframe["url"]+ "' style='color: rgb(255,255,255)'>" + dataframe["index"] + "<br>" +dataframe["applicant"].str[0:15]+"…<br>"+dataframe["title"].str[0:15]+"…</a>",
                name="The entire"
    #x_disp_range =[-8,10]
    #y_disp_range =[-7,7]



        height = 800,
        width = 800,
        bargap = 0,
        hovermode = 'closest',
        showlegend = False

    #f2 = go.FigureWidget(fig)
    return fig

st.title('Patent document 2D map')
st.markdown('IPC and keywords on this site@The population specified in the title has been calculated[embedding](https://console.cloud.google.com/marketplace/product/google_patents_public_datasets/google-patents-research-data?filter=solution-type:dataset)Itisdisplayedasatwo-dimensionalmapwithUMAPdbasedon.Theembeddingdataofthepatentdatausedfortheplotis[this](https://console.cloud.google.com/marketplace/product/google_patents_public_datasets/google-patents-research-data)')

if st.button('Search condition specification'):
    text = st.text_input('Search word input', 'apparatus')
    ipc = st.selectbox(
         'ipc selection',
    cc = st.selectbox(
         'Country selection',
         ('JP', 'MX', 'US','AU','EP','CN'))

df = um.get_xypos_df(ipc,text,cc)
plotly_fig = drawfig(df.reset_index(),cc)


  • The third is related to bigquery and umap Is SQL injection okay (pounding)?
import umap
import pandas as pd
from google.cloud import bigquery

#bigquery part
def get_df(s_ipc,s_text,cc):
    client = bigquery.Client()
    sql = """
        WITH gpat AS (
            publication_number as pubnum,
            embedding_v1 as emb
            FROM patents-public-data.google_patents_research.publications

        pat AS (
           SELECT publication_number as pubnum,
           filing_date as appday,
           STRING_AGG(DISTINCT title.text) as title,
           #STRING_AGG(DISTINCT abstract.text) as abst,
           STRING_AGG(DISTINCT appls.name,'|') as applicants
           FROM `patents-public-data.patents.publications`,UNNEST(title_localized) as title,UNNEST(assignee_harmonized) as appls,UNNEST(ipc) as ipcs
           WHERE SUBSTR(publication_number,0,2) = @cc 
           AND title.text LIKE @s_text
           AND ipcs.code LIKE @s_ipc          
           #AND filing_date > 20000101
           GROUP BY pubnum,filing_date

       SELECT gpat.pubnum,
       FROM gpat
       INNER JOIN pat
       ON gpat.pubnum = pat.pubnum
       LIMIT 1000
~~Omitted because it is long

3 A little analysis

Creating using this subject: Sonos v.s. google.

4. Difficulties

  • The part that receives the execution result of bigquery in pandas. On the net, normally
# Download query results.
query_string = """
~~ What a kettle

dataframe = (

It says that it can be done with to_dataframe (), but an error occurs and it does not heal. I can't help it, so I took out the rows of tuples that came back with tuples. I put it in pandas. I want to find another good way.

  • Streamlit can only be added vertically. It seemed like the screen could be split, but it couldn't be achieved with the standard API. I have to study a little more here. ⇒ If you just want to put the sidebar, you should set the element you want to put in the sidebar as st.sidebae. ~!

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