I made a server side of an online card game ④

Last time here

Create a Deck class

Yes, this time I will finally make a deck. Let's firmly use the paper bundle interface that we made last time.

First, make a Class

public class Deck{
    private Stack<Card> deck = new Stack();

Yes, we have a deck.

That's a joke, but now we have a Deck class that has a card as a Stack. By the way, Java Stack is a subclass of List.

Since the deck basically only takes out from the top, I used the stack instead of the array or linear list.

Implement CardSheaf.

public class Deck implements CardSheaf {

    private Stack<Card> deck = new Stack<>();

    public Deck(List<Card> deck) {

    public Deck(Card... deck) {

    public int indexOf(Card card) {
        return CardSheaf.indexOf(deck, card);

    //The CardSheaf class does not provide a standard implementation of cardSize, so we implemented it.
    //Just retrieve the number of elements.
    public int cardSize() {
        return deck.size();

    public void addCard(Card card) {
        CardSheaf.addCard(deck, card);

    public void removeCard(Card card) {
        CardSheaf.removeCard(deck, card);

    public void removeCard(int index) {
        CardSheaf.removeCard(deck, index);

    public Card find(int number, Card.Mark mark) {
        return CardSheaf.find(deck, number, mark);

    public int indexOf(int number, Card.Mark mark) {
        return CardSheaf.indexOf(deck, number, mark);

    public Card getCard(int index) {
        return CardSheaf.getCard(deck, index);

    public Card takeCard(int index) {
        return CardSheaf.takeCard(deck, index).getValue();

In the Deck class, since the card is handled as a List, the static method of CardSheaf is used as it is.

Define the methods required for Deck

import java.util.*;

public class Deck implements CardSheaf {

    private Stack<Card> deck = new Stack<>();

     *Initialize the deck with the cards in the list.
     * @param deck A list of all the cards you want to put in your deck first
    public Deck(List<Card> deck) {

     *Initialize the deck with the cards in the array.
     * @param deck An array of all the cards you want to put in your deck first
    public Deck(Card... deck) {

     *Take out the top card of the deck.
    public Card take_top() {
        return deck.pop();

     *Used to judge the first attack at the start of the game.
     * @return The top card in the deck
    public Card first_step() {
        return this.take_top();

     *Draw a card.
     * @return The top card in the deck
    public Card draw() {
        return this.take_top();

     *Called when damaged.
     * @return The top card in the deck
    public Card damage() {
        return this.take_top();

     *Shuffle the deck.
    public void shuffle() {

     *Determine if there are any cards in the deck.
     * @return true if there are cards in the deck, false otherwise
    public boolean hasCard() {
        return cardSize() > 0;

So that's it for this time.

Next time, I plan to implement my hand.

Next time

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