[PYTHON] [Django series] Basic commands


I will summarize the commands I have used so far and what I learned when I used it myself.

Explanation and usage of basic commands

① Create a project with Django

django-admin startproject config

The name of the project is arbitrary, but it will be confusing, so we will name it "config" by setting the original settings of the application.

② Create an application with Django

python manage.py startapp home

Next is the creation of the application, but this is also set as "home" in the sense that it manages the origin of the application.

③ Start and stop the server

python manage.py runserver

ctrl c

When starting the server, basically make two terminal screens. We will make it possible to compare and examine when an error occurs.

③ Database operation

python manage.py makemigrations

A command that automatically creates and manages database definitions. Do not use it blindly unless there is a change.

python manage.py migrate

A command that applies a database-defined migration file to a database. This is also a command to be applied when there is a change.

You can read more about the structure and commands in the article "Django Migration Summary".

④ Create an administrator

python manage.py createsuperuser

Once you enter your email address and password, you're done creating your account. I often use the administrator screen when I want to check the contents of the database or when checking in a test.

in conclusion

This time, I briefly summarized how to use the command when I am using it. Official Information "Django Document Table of Contents" Has more details, so beginners may want to refer to it.

Reference material

Django Document Table of Contents https://docs.djangoproject.com/ja/3.0/contents/

"Django Migration Summary" https://qiita.com/okoppe8/items/c9f8372d5ac9a9679396

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