[PYTHON] Introduce errBot and work with Slack

Install errBot

$ mkvirtualenv -p `which python3` errenv
(errenv) $ pip install errbot
(errenv) $ mkdir mybot
(errenv) $ cd mybot/
(errenv) ~/mybot$ errbot --init
Your Errbot directory has been correctly initialized !
Just do "errbot" and it should start in text/development mode.

Try starting errBot

(errenv) ~/mybot$ errbot

The bot console will start, so try entering the command

 >>> !tryme
It works !

To exit the console, just like the python console, Ctrl + D or Ctrl + C

Install slackclient

(errenv) $ pip install slackclient

Edit errbot config file

(errenv) $ vi ~/mybot/config.py

Configuration file template https://raw.githubusercontent.com/errbotio/errbot/master/errbot/config-template.py

For the time being, change only BACKEND, BOT_ADMINS and BOT_IDENTITY.

import logging

BACKEND = 'Slack'

-- snip --

BOT_ADMINS = ('@xxxx', )
    'token': 'xoxb-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',

slack token is https://my.slack.com/services/new/bot Get from

Start errbot as a daemon

(errenv) $ errbot --daemon

Invite your bot to a suitable channel to test it

スクリーンショット 2016-09-12 15.30.39.png


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