Launch Cloud Datastore Emulator with docker-compose and work with python app


I decided to use datastore as a service, and tried and errored how to test in the development environment and CI. : thinking: Since there is less information compared to AWS, I summarized it. : grinning:

The point

--Create a container for the flask app and Cloud Datastore Emulator --Linker-compose services --Initial data input of data store --Operate Cloud Datastore Emulator from the flask app

Directory structure

├── app
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   └── src
│       ├──
│       └── requirements.txt
├── datastore
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├── entrypoint
│   └── import
│       ├── 2020-01-21.overall_export_metadata
│       ├── default_namespace
│       │   └── kind_test_data
│       │       ├── default_namespace_kind_test_data.export_metadata
│       │       └── output-0
│       └──
└──  docker-compose.yaml

Cloud Datastore Emulator container construction


Minimal creation from the official SDK image. Grant execution authority to the emulator startup shell and data input shell.

FROM google/cloud-sdk:alpine

RUN apk add --update --no-cache openjdk8-jre \
  && gcloud components install cloud-datastore-emulator beta --quiet

COPY . /datastore/

WORKDIR /datastore

RUN chmod +x ./entrypoint
RUN chmod +x ./import/

ENTRYPOINT ["./entrypoint"]


Even when docker-compose down is done, the data is stored in the/ datastore / .data /directory to maintain the data.

If you start it without options, you can only access it inside the container, so start it as --host-port = From the environment variable, pour it along with the project name.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

gcloud config set project ${DATASTORE_PROJECT_ID}

gcloud beta emulators datastore start \
  --data-dir=/datastore/.data \

Data store / import / for data input

After starting the server, you can import the data by throwing the save path of the dumped data to the following endpoint.


curl -X POST localhost:8081/v1/projects/${DATASTORE_PROJECT_ID}:import \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"input_url":"/datastore/import/2020-01-21.overall_export_metadata"}'

datastore / import metadata

This time, from the gcp console, I brought the entire directory dumped to gcs under datastore / import. You may generate sdk data directly.

python app container construction

Build a fluent app for the sample.


FROM python:3.7-slim-buster

ENV HOME /api/

ADD ./ ${HOME}


RUN pip install --upgrade pip \
    && pip install --no-cache-dir -r ${HOME}src/requirements.txt

ENTRYPOINT ["python", "src/"]


I think it's a little too suitable, but I created an endpoint that just saves and retrieves data. : thinking:

The authentication information bites the dummy authentication.

from flask import Flask, jsonify
from google.auth.credentials import AnonymousCredentials
from import datastore
from os import getenv

client = datastore.Client(

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['JSON_AS_ASCII'] = False

def index():
    key = client.key('EntityKind', 1234)
    entity = datastore.Entity(key=key)
        'foo': u'bar'
    result = client.get(key)
    return jsonify(result)

if __name__ == '__main__':'')




If you open the datastore port on the host side as well, you can see it with a GUI tool, which is convenient.

version: '3.7'

    - &gcp_project_id "dummy"

    build: "./app/"
      - "./app/:/app/"
      FLASK_APP: dev
      DATASTORE_HOST: "http://datastore:8081"
      DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST: "datastore:8081"
      PROJECT_ID: *gcp_project_id
      TZ: Asia/Tokyo
      - "5000:5000"
      - datastore
    build: "./datastore"
      - "./datastore/.data:/datastore/.data"
      DATASTORE_PROJECT_ID: *gcp_project_id
      - "18081:8081"


docker-compose up 

If you access http: // localhost: 5000 with your browser or curl, you should see {"foo": "bar"}.


You can see that the data is stored below

datastore_1  | Updated property [core/project].
datastore_1  | WARNING: Reusing existing data in [/datastore/.data].
datastore_1  | Executing: /google-cloud-sdk/platform/cloud-datastore-emulator/cloud_datastore_emulator start --host= --port=8081 --store_on_disk=True --consistency=0.9 --allow_remote_shutdown /datastore/.data
app_1        |  * Serving Flask app "main" (lazy loading)
app_1        |  * Environment: production
app_1        |    WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
app_1        |    Use a production WSGI server instead.
app_1        |  * Debug mode: off
app_1        |  * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
datastore_1  | [datastore] Jan 22, 2020 6:22:00 AM$FakeDatastoreAction$9 apply
datastore_1  | [datastore] INFO: Provided --allow_remote_shutdown to start command which is no longer necessary.
datastore_1  | [datastore] Jan 22, 2020 6:22:01 AM <init>
datastore_1  | [datastore] INFO: Local Datastore initialized:
datastore_1  | [datastore]      Type: High Replication
datastore_1  | [datastore]      Storage: /datastore/.data/WEB-INF/appengine-generated/local_db.bin
datastore_1  | [datastore] Jan 22, 2020 6:22:02 AM load
datastore_1  | [datastore] INFO: Time to load datastore: 218 ms
datastore_1  | [datastore] API endpoint:
datastore_1  | [datastore] If you are using a library that supports the DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable, run:
datastore_1  | [datastore] 
datastore_1  | [datastore]   export DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=
datastore_1  | [datastore] 
datastore_1  | [datastore] Dev App Server is now running.
datastore_1  | [datastore] 
datastore_1  | [datastore] The previous line was printed for backwards compatibility only.
datastore_1  | [datastore] If your tests rely on it to confirm emulator startup,
datastore_1  | [datastore] please migrate to the emulator health check endpoint (/). Thank you!
datastore_1  | [datastore] The health check endpoint for this emulator instance is 22, 2020 6:22:11 AM io.gapi.emulators.grpc.GrpcServer$3 operationComplete
datastore_1  | [datastore] INFO: Adding handler(s) to newly registered Channel.
datastore_1  | [datastore] Jan 22, 2020 6:22:11 AM io.gapi.emulators.netty.HttpVersionRoutingHandler channelRead
datastore_1  | [datastore] INFO: Detected HTTP/2 connection.

Data input

You can also import dump data by sending a request to the emulator endpoint.

docker-compose exec datastore bash ./import/


I referred to the following site.

--Connect and use Cloud Datastore Emulator from Node.js between Docker containers --Qiita

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