[PYTHON] From installing Flask on CentOS to making it a service with Nginx and uWSGI

A story about myself, who is ignorant of CentOS and Web server construction, set foot on Flask, Nginx, and uWSGI. The procedure is summarized here.

[](A separate article about the various hardships that occurred in the process ↓)




You should replace it as appropriate and read it.

ʻUser: username proj: project directory test.py`: Write code to run Flask. Placed directly under proj

Work is always done under the project directory

$ cd /home/user/proj

Introducing Flask

Use Flask to create an environment that makes it easy to create web applications in Python.

Install Python3

$ sudo yum install epel-release  #Put the repository
$ sudo yum install python3-devel  #Insert python3

Create a virtual environment

$ pip3 install pipenv  #Introduced pipenv
$ export PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=true  #Set to create a virtual environment in the project directory
$ pipenv --python 3  #Creating a virtual environment
$ ls -a  #Check the file list

If you can confirm that .venv is created, it's OK.

Installation of required modules

This is the minimum required.

$ pipenv install flask markupsafe

If you don't want to worry about migration, install with pipenv instead of pip. If you have other required modules, install them with pipenv install as well.

Try using Flask

Write Flask

Create test.py.

$ vi test.py

Enter the insert mode with ʻi and write the following. When you finish writing, exit with ʻEsc: wq.


from flask import *

app = Flask(__name__)

def main():
    return 'Hello, World!\n'

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.run(debug=True, host='', port=80)

It is a code that only outputs'Hello, World!'When the top page is accessed.

Run Flask

No matter how many modules you install, it doesn't start without entering the virtual environment.

$ pipenv shell  #Enter the virtual environment

Run test.py!

$ python test.py

Use a browser such as Google Chrome to enter the IP address of the server that executed this to access it. When "Hello, World!" Is displayed, it's OK. Return to the terminal and press Ctrl + C to stop execution.

Introducing Nginx

Introduction of Web server using Nginx. [](If you are already using Apache etc. and want to take this opportunity to break away from Apache here.)

Nginx installation

First, open nginx.repo with vim etc.

$ sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo

Describe the following.


name=nginx repo

Open HTTP port

Set the firewall to allow HTTP services.

$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=http --zone=public --permanent
$ sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Start Nginx

$ sudo systemctl start nginx  #Immediate start
$ lsof -i:80  #OK if nginx is displayed

Introduction of uWSGI

uWSGI is an application server that acts as an intermediary between Flask and Nginx.

uWSGI installation

$ pipenv install uwsgi

Creating a configuration file

$ vi test_uwsgi.ini

Describe the following.


base = /home/user/proj
app = test
module = %(app)
virtualenv = /home/user/proj/.venv
pythonpath = %(base)
socket = /tmp/test_uwsgi.sock
chmod-socket = 666
callable = app
logto = /home/user/proj/log/%n.log

If you want to arrange it yourself ↓ Summary of uWSGI ini file

Also create a directory for logs.

$ mkdir log

Nginx side settings

Create a configuration file for Nginx under the proj directory.

$ vi test_nginx.conf

Describe the following.


server {
  listen      80;
  server_name [IP address];
  charset     utf-8;

  location / { try_files $uri @yourapplication; }
  location @yourapplication {
    include uwsgi_params;
    uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/test_uwsgi.sock;

Place a symbolic link so that Nginx can refer to it at startup.

sudo ln -s /home/user/proj/test_nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/

Be sure to specify it with an absolute path.

(Optional) Disable SELinux

SELinux seems to constantly monitor and control access inside Linux. To minimize the damage when it is invaded by a PC. If you get an error when starting Nginx, you may be able to solve it by doing the following.

$ setenforce 0

This turns off access control. It seems that just going into Permissive mode does not mean that it will be completely turned off.

Edit the configuration file itself so that it will not be restored even if you restart.

$ vi /etc/selinux/config  # "SELINUX=enforcing"To"SELINUX=permissive"Rewrite to

Is security safe without using SELinux? It's good to use it, but I concluded that it's okay if you set the firewall firmly.

uWSGI operation check

$ sudo systemctl restart nginx  #You may get an error here if you don't turn off SELinux
$ uwsgi --ini test_uwsgi.ini  #Start uWSGI from the configuration file

Reload the browser and if'Hello, World!'Is displayed, it's OK.

Service conversion

Make these start automatically when the server starts.

Create a configuration file for uWSGI services

vi /etc/systemd/system/uwsgi.service

Describe the following.



ExecStart=/home/user/proj/.venv/bin/uwsgi --ini /home/user/proj/test_uwsgi.ini

$ cat /lib/systemd/system/nginx.service  #OK if the one you just wrote is displayed

Service settings

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload  # uwsgi.Reload service
$ sudo systemctl enable uwsgi nginx  #Enable uWSGI and Nginx services

Try restarting the server and check with your browser. If "Hello, World!" Is displayed, it's OK. Thank you for your hard work! !!


-Until Hello World with Flask + uWSGI + Nginx @ Sakura's VPS (CentOS 6.6) -ConoHa VPS (CentOS 7.6) with Flask + Nginx + uWSGI Web application (multiple) execution environment construction -Hello World with Nginx and uWSGI -UWSGI setting memo when operating properly

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