ErrorFile=/tmp/errlog%p.log HelloWorld
If% p is specified, the process number will be entered.
### Confirmation method
```kill -sigsegv <pid>```Send a signal to the relevant process.
## Output core file
Since core file output is disabled by default on Linux, it is recommended to enable core file output with ```ulimit -c unlimited``` before starting a Java application. However, be aware that if it occurs frequently, the core file will put pressure on the disk.
Use ```ulimit -a``` to check what the current limit setting is. (```ulimit -c``` to check only the core file)
## reference
* [Java Platform, Standard Edition Troubleshooting Guide> Location of Fatal Error Logs](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/8/docs/technotes/guides/troubleshoot/felog001.html)
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