Use emacs or vim keybindings in IPython notebook

Everyone is using the ** super convenient ** ipython notebook. And vim and emacs users are suffering from not being able to use vim keybindings and emacs keybindings, right?

*** Give you a magical js code. *** ***

Add the following js to the end of $ IPYTHONDIR / profile_default / static / custom / custom.js.

Magic code

var my_keymap = 'emacs';
// var my_keymap = 'vim';

$.getScript("/static/components/codemirror/keymap/" + my_keymap + ".js");

IPython.RawCell.options_default.cm_config = {keyMap: my_keymap};
IPython.Cell.options_default.cm_config.keyMap = my_keymap;
IPython.TextCell.options_default.cm_config.keyMap = my_keymap;
IPython.MarkdownCell.options_default.cm_config.keyMap = my_keymap;
IPython.HeadingCell.options_default.cm_config = {keyMap: my_keymap};
IPython.CodeCell.options_default.cm_config.keyMap = my_keymap;

If the environment variable ʻIPYTHONDIRdoes not exist, you can start ipython and check it with the following code. (Typically, there are many$ HOME / .ipython, $ HOME / .config / ipython`. For details, see here. .html # configuration-file-location).)

import IPython

By the way, the confirmation environment is ipython 2.1.0.

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