[PYTHON] Comparison of class inheritance and constructor description


It all started when I tried to inherit classes in Python. From the perspective of myself, who has been dealing with Java so far, I thought, "What's this !!!!!!", so in some programming languages I compared the description method of class inheritance with the description method & behavior of the constructor.

This stance

Write, compare, view, and express your impressions around Java.

I used paiza.IO to check the operation. Convenient. https://paiza.io/ja

Sample specifications

--Parent class (Super class) --A default constructor is available. Output the character string of "★ Parent constructor" to the console --Prepare one function / method --Output the character string passed as an argument to the console --Child class (inheriting class) --Inherit the Parent class --A default constructor is available. Output the character string of "☆ Child constructor" to the console --Prepare one function / method --Output the character string passed as an argument to the console --Call the function / method of Super class with the character string "★ Parent function / method can be called" as an argument. --Main class / main script (execution source) --In paiza.IO, the name of the Java execution source (including the main method) class must be Main, and this name --Instantiate the Child class -Call the child class function / method with the character string "☆ Child function / method can be called" as an argument.

Java Personally, it's the most familiar language. The version is Java 12.

Class inheritance description method

Constructor description method



public class Parent {
    public Parent(){
        System.out.println("★ Parent constructor");
    protected void parentMethod(String message){        


public class Child extends Parent{

    public Child(){
        System.out.println("☆ Child constructor");

    public void childMethod(String message){       
        parentMethod("★ You can call the Parent method");


public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Child child = new Child();
        child.childMethod("☆ You can call the Child method");

Execution result (console)

★ Parent constructor ☆ Child constructor ☆ You can call the Child method ★ You can call the Parent method


--How to write class inheritance and constructor that suits you best personally --The default constructor of the parent class is also implicitly called --Multiple constructors with different arguments can be implemented

Python Next, the opportunity to write this article. The version is Python 3.6.8.

Class inheritance description method

** class ** * Inheriting class * ** (** * Super class * **): **

Constructor description method

** def \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _ (self ** *, if any argument * **): ** ** Initial value setting process for instance self **

** def \ _ \ _ new \ _ \ _ (cls ** *, if any argument * **): ** ** return super (). \ _ \ _ New \ _ \ _ (cls ** *, if any argument * **) **

** * The following samples, execution results (console), and impressions are about the \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _ function. ** **



class Parent(object):

    def __init__(self):
        print('★ Parent constructor')

    def parent_function(self, message):


from parent import Parent

class Child(Parent):

    def __init__(self):
        print('☆ Child constructor')

    def child_function(self, message):
        Parent.parent_function(self, '★ You can call the Parent function')


from child import Child

def main():
    ch = Child()
    ch.child_function('☆ You can call the child function')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Execution result (console)

☆ Child constructor ☆ You can call the child function ★ You can call the Parent function


―― "Well, do you use parentheses in class inheritance? Isn't it wrong with the argument?" --Because Python treats everything as an object? --The \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _ function of the Parent class is overwritten by the \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _ function of the Child class. --When the \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _ function of the Child class is deleted and executed, "★ Parent constructor" is output. --If you also want to execute the \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _ function of the Parent class, it seems that you need to make it explicit as follows.


from parent import Parent

class Child(Parent):

    def __init__(self):
        Parent.__init__(self) #Added here! !! !! !! !! !!
        print('☆ Child constructor')

    def child_function(self, message):
        Parent.parent_function(self, '★ You can call the Parent function')

-Only one \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _ function can be prepared in one class --Can't be Java-like --If you want multiple constructors, it seems better to use the default arguments - https://qiita.com/miyashiiii/items/9dcb2114ac0843a73fce

\ _ \ _ New \ _ \ _ Function * (2019/8/16) Added

Initially, I only mentioned the \ _ \ _ init () \ _ \ _ function, Since I received comments, I also investigated the \ _ \ _ new \ _ \ _ function.

-** \ _ \ _ new \ _ \ _ function works ** when instantiating, so it works before ** \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _ function . - \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _ function works ** after the instance is created

Below is from the Python 3.7.4 documentation.

When implementing the \ _ \ _ new \ _ \ _ function, you need return super () .__ new __ (cls [, ...]). https://docs.python.org/ja/3/reference/datamodel.html#object.new

In a typical implementation, when creating a new instance of a class, specify the appropriate arguments for super (). \ _ \ _ New \ _ \ _ (cls [, ...]) and \ _ for the super class. Call the \ _new \ _ \ _ () method to make the necessary changes to the newly created instance before returning it.

It was written properly (´ ・ ω ・ `) https://docs.python.org/ja/3/reference/datamodel.html#object.init

Called after the instance is created (by \ _ \ _ new \ _ \ _ ()) and before it is returned to the caller. The arguments are what you pass to the class's constructor expression. If both the base class and its derived class have \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _ () methods, then the derived class's \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _ () method is the base class's \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _ ( ) You must explicitly call the method to ensure that the base class part of the instance is properly initialized. For example, super (). \ _ \ _ Init \ _ \ _ ([args ...]).

It seems that the \ _ \ _ new \ _ \ _ function was better if it was lined up with the Java constructor. ..

When I replaced the sample implemented by the \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _ function with the \ _ \ _ new \ _ \ _ function as it is, The execution result (console) is as follows. ☆ Child constructor ★ Parent constructor ☆ You can call the child function ★ You can call the Parent function

Ruby By the mysterious logic that Python and Ruby. The version is Ruby 2.6.3.

Class inheritance description method

** class ** * Inheriting class * ** <** * Super class * end

Constructor description method

** def initialize (** * if any argument * **) ** end



class Parent

    def initialize()
        puts "★ Parent constructor"
    def parent_function(message)
        puts message



class Child < Parent

    def initialize()
        puts "☆ Child constructor"
    def child_function(message)
        puts message
        parent_function("★ You can call the Parent function")



child = Child.new
child.child_function("☆ You can call the child function")

Execution result (console)

☆ Child constructor ☆ You can call the child function ★ You can call the Parent function


――It seems like a description that conveys the feeling of inheritance of the class. It's Python-like that the constructor is a function with a fixed name --Similar to Python, the initialize function of the Parent class is overwritten by the initialize function of the Child class. --When the initialize function of Child class is deleted and executed, "★ Parent constructor" is output. --With super, also execute Parent's initialize function



class Child < Parent

    def initialize()
        super()  #Added here! !! !! !! !! !!
        puts "☆ Child constructor"
    def child_function(message)
        puts message
        parent_function("★ You can call the Parent function")

--Only one initialize function can be prepared for each class --This is also similar to Python --Similarly, if you want multiple constructors, it seems better to use the default arguments. - https://blog.goo.ne.jp/korokoro-2/e/d62a1c524beecfe3dd6a8ce8c9dab257

PowerShell In the training for new employees at the company, there was a theme to create a PowerShell script, so I included it. There was no class inheritance in PowerShell (Kiri), so I was thinking of making it a punch line ... **. ** ** This was not on paiza.IO, so I checked the operation on my PC.

Class inheritance description method

** class ** * Inheriting class * : ** * Super class * ** { }

Constructor description method



class Parent {

    Parent() {
        write-host("★ Parent constructor")

    parent_function([String] $message) {



using module ".\parent.psm1"

class Child : Parent {

         write-host("☆ Child constructor")       

    child_function([String] $message) {

        ([Parent]$this).parent_function("★ You can call the Parent function")


. .\child.ps1

$child = [Child]::new()
$child.child_function("☆ You can call the child function")

Execution result (console)

★ Parent constructor ☆ Child constructor ☆ You can call the child function ★ You can call the Parent function


--For class inheritance, "colon?" The constructor is Java-like --Like Java, the constructor of the Parent class is also implicitly called --Similar to Java, multiple constructors with different arguments can be implemented. ――I tried to end it with "Well, it's Java-like", but ** it doesn't work ** -** Class inheritance across files is not straightforward ** --The Super class file should be a module file (extension is **. Psm1 ) and called with ʻusing module. ――I have to change the extension ... why? ?? ?? -** Super class functions can only be called by "casting the inheriting class $ this` with the Super class " --Cast this ... why? ?? ??

at the end

Other than Java, Python, Ruby, and PowerShell were "I've written but never used classes" choices. I thought I'd try a couple of other programming languages that I hadn't touched before. I'm sorry, I'm exhausted with PowerShell.

paiza.IO has many programming languages that can be used, so If I feel better, I would like to add it if I try other things. ** Anyway, paiza.IO is really convenient. ** **

Compare how to write It was fun to understand the characteristics of each programming language and the looseness of my understanding! Thank you for staying with us until the end.

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