Java-Python string manipulation contrast

This is a comparison of basic character operations between Java 8 and Python 3.

String match

Java Python result
"abc".equals("abc") 'abc' == 'abc' True

String length

Java Python result
"abcde".length() len('abcde') 5

Part of the string

Java Python result
"abcde".substring(1) 'abcde'[1:] 'bcde'
"abcde".substring(0,2) "abcde"[:2] 'ab'
"abcde".substring(1,4) 'abcde'[1:4] 'bcd'
"abcde".substring(0,"abcde".length()-2) 'abcde'[:-2] 'abc'

First position of the specified character

Java Python result
"abcde".indexOf('d') 'abcde'.find('d') 3
"abcde".indexOf('X') 'abcde'.find('X') -1

Does the string start with the specified prefix?

Java Python result
"abcde".startsWith("abc") 'abcde'.startswith('abc') True
"abcde".startsWith("bcd") 'abcde'.startswith('bcd') False

Does the string end with the specified suffix?

Java Python result
"abcde".endsWith("de") 'abcde'.endswith('de') True
"abcde".endsWith("cd") 'abcde'.endswith('cd') False

Does the string contain the specified string?

Java Python result
"abcde".contains("bcd") "bcd" in "abcde" True
"abcde".contains("ae") "ae" in "abcde" False

String to number

Java Python result
Integer.parseInt("1")+2 int('1')+2 3

Numeric to string

Java Python result
String.valueOf(1)+"2" str(1)+'2' '12'
String.valueOf(1)+2 str(1)+2 Error in python

Splitting strings

Java Python result
"a,b,c".split(",") 'a,b,c'.split(',') ['a', 'b', 'c']

String concatenation

Java Python result
String.join(",", new String[]{"a","b","c"}) ",".join(['a', 'b', 'c']) 'a,b,c'
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

StringUtils.join(new String[]{"a","b","c"},",")

Document link

Check here for the rest

Java8 Class String Python2 system "3.6.1 string method" Python3 series "4.7. Text sequence type"

Revision history

2016/3/14 First edition 2016/3/15 Added equals, startsWith, endsWith, contains

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