[PYTHON] Create a BOT that displays the number of infected people in the new corona

What to make this time

Ultimate talented people

Map of the number of people infected with the new coronavirus by prefecture https://gis.jag-japan.com/covid19jp/

I have created a site called, but I am not so enthusiastic, so I decided to create a BOT that displays the breakdown of the number of infected people.

The data of the number of infected people was put in the json file on the same site, so I will use that.



Advance preparation

The following sites are easy to understand for creating and basics of Discord BOT using discord.py.

How to make a simple Discord Bot in Python https://qiita.com/PinappleHunter/items/af4ccdbb04727437477f Discord Bot Fastest Tutorial [Python & Heroku & GitHub] https://qiita.com/1ntegrale9/items/aa4b373e8895273875a8


First, create a program to download the above json file. You can easily download it using ** urllib **.


import urllib.request

def download():
    url = 'https://services6.arcgis.com/5jNaHNYe2AnnqRnS/arcgis/rest/services/COVID19_Japan/FeatureServer/0/query?where=%E9%80%9A%E3%81%97%3E0&returnIdsOnly=false&returnCountOnly=false&&f=pgeojson&outFields=*&orderByFields=%E9%80%9A%E3%81%97'
    title = 'COVID-19_data.json'
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, "{0}".format(title))

Next, make the BOT body.


import download
import json
from collections import defaultdict
import discord

TOKEN = 'Any token'
CHANNEK_ID = 'Any channel ID'
client = discord.Client()

#Displayed at startup
async def on_ready():
    print('Logged in as')

#When you receive the message
async def on_message(message):
    #Ignore messages from bots
    if message.author.bot:
    if message.content.startswith("!count"):
        #Load json file
        json_open = open('COVID-19_data.json', 'r', encoding="utf-8_sig")
        json_load = json.load(json_open)
        jsn = json_load
        #Keep the name and number of prefectures of residence in defaultdict
        properties = defaultdict(int)
        for f in jsn['features']:
            property = f['properties']['Prefecture of residence']
            if property == 'People's Republic of China' or property == 'investigating' or property == 'unknown':
            if property not in properties:
                properties[property] = 0
            properties[property] += 1
        #It takes time to output line by line, so the output contents are saved in advance.
        say = ''
        for p in properties:
            say += p + ' ' + str(properties[p]) + '\n'
        await message.channel.send(say)


The above is the BOT program that displays the number of people infected with the new coronavirus in each prefecture.


Data !!!! covid bot.PNG

Actually, it was output a little more, but it could not fit due to the capture size. Please note.

in conclusion

It's a rough idea, so there may be places where you can make mistakes and be smart. In that case, I would appreciate it if you could point out. The violence of the new coronavirus is still unstoppable. Please be careful.

Twitter https://twitter.com/hasegawa2718

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