[PYTHON] Markdown Beginner's Note


I started learning about Markdown yesterday. When I wrote it, I was able to write a document surprisingly easily and beautifully. Therefore, I will leave a note that is often used in this article and a note that may be helpful as a memo for myself and as a practice for Markdown. Also, since I am a beginner in markdown, I would appreciate it if you could point out any mistakes or bad notations.

table of contents

1. Heading 2. List 2.1 Numbered List 2.2 Unnumbered List 2.3 Checkbox 2.4 How to nest 3. Bold, diagonal, strikethrough 4. Insert Code 5. Insert Link 6. Quote 7. Useful things to know

1. Heading

The heading can be described by adding "# + (half-width space)" at the beginning. You can change the size of the heading by the number of \ #, and you can specify up to the size of h6.

Heading h1

\ # Heading h1

Heading h2

## Heading h2

2. List

1. Numbered list

You can write it as "1. 2. 3.", or you can use either "1. 1. 1." because it will be automatically displayed as a serial number.

2. Unnumbered list

The unnumbered list can be described with "-+ (half-width space)". However, it cannot be attached unless some characters are written after it.

3. Check box

Check boxes can be described with [(half-width space)]. If you want to check in the box, set ** [x] ** One thing to keep in mind is that Qiita doesn't allow checkboxes without a list. ..

To Do

3. Bold, italic, strikethrough

Shortcuts can be used if Markdown Oll in One is included in the vs-code plugin (extension). (Command is Mac environment)

Bold (Cmd + b)

moji **moji**

Italic (Italic) (Cmd + i)

moji *moji*


~~moji~~ ~~moji~~

4. Insert code

Inserting code is basically enclosing the code part with three \ \ \ `(back quotes).

``` def Hello(): return "Hello" ```

def Hello():
    return "Hello"

Also, if you want to add syntax highlighting, specify the language name and the highlighting will be added for that language (some languages ​​are not supported).

```python def Hello(): return "Hello" ```

def Hello():
    return "Hello"

To name the file in the upper left corner, which you often see, use ** Language name: File name ** With my vs-code, this caused a phenomenon that the name was not given in the upper left, but if anyone can understand the cause, please let me know. .. ..

```python:practice.py def Hello(): return "Hello" ```


def Hello():
    return "Hello"

5. Insert link / embed image

You can insert a link with \ [link text ](URL).

[YouTude](https://www.youtube.com/?gl=JP) If you write like YouTude

To insert an image, you can output the image with! \ [Image text ](URL).

![Machecster United](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1225694132951076864/HHKUQE_5_400x400.jpg)

Machecster United

6. Quote

Add> to citations You can enclose the part you want to quote with> quoted part>.

> Quote > > Quote Quote > > > Quote Quote Quote >


Quote quote

Quote Quote Quote

7. Things to know

As a good thing to know, Markdown can be disabled by adding ** "" **.

If you say \ #hoge, it will be #hoge.

Line breaks

You can do it with ** 2 half-width spaces ** or \ <br > after the characters.

In addition, if there are additional items, I would like to add them as appropriate.

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