I tried Linux (CentOS 7) life and death monitoring (Ping) with monitoring server Zabbix


The procedure for setting and checking the operation of life and death monitoring in Zabbix 4.4 is explained. Detailed settings in Zabbix are omitted here.


--Host OS: Windows10 --Guest OS: CentOS7 x 2 --Monitoring server: Host name zabbix (IP address: --Monitored server: Host name webserver (IP address: --How to build a virtual machine: VirtualBox, Vagrant

Procedure (overview)

  1. Add a host to be monitored by Zabbix
  2. Apply template to monitored host in Zabbix
  3. Set the notification email address in case of failure in Zabbix
  4. Operation check (Zabbix management screen, email notification)

Procedure (details)

1. Add a host to be monitored by Zabbix

Zabbix host indicates the target to be monitored. In Zabbix, a host must belong to at least one host group, so create a group and make the host belong to it.

Add the monitored server webserver ( from [Settings]-> [Host] of Zabbix.

2. Apply template to monitored host in Zabbix

A "template" is a collective definition of conditions and rules required for monitoring. Zabbix comes with a number of templates as standard. Of course, it is also possible to create individually customized templates.

This time, we will apply the template "Template Module ICMP Ping" that is prepared as standard and is most suitable for life and death monitoring to the web server. image.png

3. Set the notification email address in case of failure in Zabbix

Set the e-mail address you want to notify from [Administration] → [Media Type]. This time I set up Gmail.


In [Settings] → [Actions], set the execution conditions for email notification. This time, I set it so that an email notification will be sent when the "trigger severity" is "severe failure" or higher. image.png

4. Operation check (Zabbix management screen, email notification)

After completing the settings on Zabbix side, shut down the webserver on purpose and create a failure situation. In other words, it is in a state where communication from the monitoring server zabbix to the monitored server webserver is not possible (no ping response).

Confirm that Zabbix is failing

Check [Monitoring data] → [Failure]. The status is "Failure", and it was confirmed that the email notification action is working properly. image.png

Confirm that Gmail is notified of failure emails

When I checked Gmail, I was able to confirm that the failure email had arrived properly.



If you try the following things yourself, you will get an idea of the construction and operation of IT infrastructure and learn. Virtual machine construction → Monitoring server construction / monitoring settings → Operation check for failure occurrence

that's all

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