[PYTHON] I wrote a corpus reader that reads the results of MeCab analysis

Imitating chasen.py written by mhagiwara for studying mecab. py was written.


It is assumed that NLTK and nltk_data have been installed and downloaded. Place the data under nltk_data / corpus or create a symbolic link.

import nltk
corpora_path = nltk.data.find('corpora/test')
your data must be stored or linked in nltk/corpora

fileids = r'.*\.mecab'
:param corpus name: regular expression or list of corpus name.
:type corpus: list or strings

reader = MeCabCorpusReader(corpora_path, fileids, encoding='utf8')
print reader.raw()
print ', '.join(reader.words())
for w, t in reader.tagged_words():
    print w, t
for para in reader.paras():
    for sent in para:
        for word in sent:
            print word
for para in reader.tagged_paras():
    for sent in para:
        for (word, pos) in sent:
            print word, pos   

corpus / test is a directory containing files that have been analyzed by MeCab and has the extension mecab. The contents of the file look like this.

Plum noun,General,*,*,*,*,Plum,Plum,Plum
Also particles,Particle,*,*,*,*,Also,Mo,Mo
Peach noun,General,*,*,*,*,Peaches,peach,peach
Also particles,Particle,*,*,*,*,Also,Mo,Mo
Peach noun,General,*,*,*,*,Peaches,peach,peach
Noun,Non-independent,Adverbs possible,*,*,*,home,Uchi,Uchi

The output is

Plum noun,General,*,*,*,*,Plum,Plum,Plum
Also particles,Particle,*,*,*,*,Also,Mo,Mo
Peach noun,General,*,*,*,*,Peaches,peach,peach
Also particles,Particle,*,*,*,*,Also,Mo,Mo
Peach noun,General,*,*,*,*,Peaches,peach,peach
Noun,Non-independent,Adverbs possible,*,*,*,home,Uchi,Uchi


Plum info:noun,General,*,*,*,*,Plum,Plum,Plum
Also info:Particle,Particle,*,*,*,*,Also,Mo,Mo
Peach info:noun,General,*,*,*,*,Peaches,peach,peach
Also info:Particle,Particle,*,*,*,*,Also,Mo,Mo
Peach info:noun,General,*,*,*,*,Peaches,peach,peach
Of info:noun,Non-independent,Adverbs possible,*,*,*,home,Uchi,Uchi


Plum info:noun,General,*,*,*,*,Plum,Plum,Plum
Also info:Particle,Particle,*,*,*,*,Also,Mo,Mo
Peach info:noun,General,*,*,*,*,Peaches,peach,peach
Also info:Particle,Particle,*,*,*,*,Also,Mo,Mo
Peach info:noun,General,*,*,*,*,Peaches,peach,peach
Of info:noun,Non-independent,Adverbs possible,*,*,*,home,Uchi,Uchi

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