[PYTHON] [In 3 lines] Plot the population pyramid (bar graph of age group / gender) with Pandas alone


(ax0, ax1), = pd.cut(df['Age'], range(0, 101, 5), right=False).groupby(df['Sex']).value_counts().unstack(0).plot.barh(subplots=True, layout=(1, 2), sharex=False)



df ['Age'] contains age and df ['Sex'] contains gender. The method chain on the first line is decomposed as follows.

((ax0, ax1), = # [[Axes, Axes]]like(1, 2)Will be returned, so unpack and receive
 pd.cut(titanic['Age'], range(0, 101, 5), right=False) #Make it an age group every 5 years
 .groupby(titanic['Sex']) #Grouping by gender
 .value_counts() #Count by gender / age group
 .unstack(0) #Make a procession of age group x gender
 .plot.barh(subplots=True, layout=(1, 2), sharex=False)) #Draw horizontal bar graphs side by side by gender

The graph on the left is flipped horizontally on the second line.

ax0.invert_xaxis() #Flip horizontal

The third line erases the Y-axis scale in the graph on the right.

ax1.set_yticklabels([]) #Turn off the Y-axis scale

the end

It was impossible with one line.

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