It's easy to tweet automatically from your account using the Twitter API, but a memo when I didn't know how to tweet from another account [^ 1]. [^ 1]: Since the purpose of use should be stated when applying for the API, it is naturally NG to use it beyond that range. At your own risk.
--Python is available (I'm version 3.7.0) --Twitter API application has been completed
I will use here (I am version 1.18.0).
pip install twitter
The method to make a note from now on is probably using PIN-based authorization. Callback_url doesn't seem to be used. However, since the official document says as follows, I will also fill in the Callback URLs like the image [^ 2]. [^ 2]: It shouldn't be used, so anything is fine, but for the time being, I used the URL of my github page.
The callback_url within the Twitter app settings is still required, even when using PIN-based auth.
Prepare the following two files in the same directory.
app_name = "XXXXXXXXXX" #Application name created above
consumer_key = "XXXXXXXXXX" #Consumer API Keys on the application management screen> API key
consumer_secret = "XXXXXXXXXX" #Consumer API Keys on the application management screen> API secret key
from twitter import *
from config import *
oauth_dance(app_name, consumer_key, consumer_secret, token_filename="./config.txt", open_browser=False)
When you run
, the URL will be displayed as shown below and you will be prompted to enter your PIN.
Hi there! We're gonna get you all set up to use sample.
Please go to the following URL, authorize the app, and copy the PIN:
Please enter the PIN:
Open the URL in your browser, and then log in with the account you want to tweet and get a PIN [^ 3]. When you enter the PIN, the following message will be displayed and the token and token_secret will be saved in config.txt
[^ 3]: Normally, I would ask the user of my application to log in, but I checked the operation with my sub-account.
That's it! Your authorization keys have been written to ./config.txt.
The actual Python script to tweet is as follows. The same package as used for preparation is used.
from twitter import *
from config import *
t = Twitter(
'XXXXXXXXXX', # token(config.1st line of txt)
'XXXXXXXXXX', # token_secret(config.2nd line of txt)
If you change the " message "
on the last line to any string, you should be able to tweet as you like.
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