[PYTHON] Try running a Django application on an nginx unit


This article is JSL (Japan System Giken) Advent Calendar 2020 --Qiita 24th day article.

In the Advent Calendar Article the other day, I wrote about nginx unit, which I was more interested in than before because I had achieved the quota once a year but wanted to challenge the record.

What is nginx unit?

Roughly speaking, it has the following features (Official page).

This goal

Do not write

Various versions


Proceed while checking the Official Page.

Create /etc/yum.repos.d/unit.repo and add the repository.

name=unit repo
#installation of nginx unit
$ sudo yum install unit 

#Install the required modules
$ sudo yum install unit-devel unit-python37

#Auto start settings
$ sudo systemctl enable unit

#Start nginx unit
$ sudo systemctl start unit

#You can check the default value of each setting with the help option.
$ unitd --help 

unit options:

  --version            print unit version and configure options

  --no-daemon          run unit in non-daemon mode

  --control ADDRESS    set address of control API socket
                       default: "unix:/var/run/unit/control.sock"

  --pid FILE           set pid filename
                       default: "/var/run/unit/unit.pid"

  --log FILE           set log filename
                       default: "/var/log/unit/unit.log"

  --modules DIRECTORY  set modules directory name
                       default: "/usr/lib64/unit/modules"

  --state DIRECTORY    set state directory name
                       default: "/var/lib/unit"

  --tmp DIRECTORY      set tmp directory name
                       default: "/var/tmp"

  --user USER          set non-privileged processes to run as specified user
                       default: "nobody"

  --group GROUP        set non-privileged processes to run as specified group
                       default: user's primary group

Checking the environment

nginx unit checks and configures the environment via REST API.

$ sudo curl --unix-socket /var/run/unit/control.sock http://localhost/
	"certificates": {},
	"config": {
		"listeners": {},
		"applications": {}

Currently, nothing is set.

Deploy a Django application

Deploy your Django application as well, following the official page (http://unit.nginx.org/howto/django/). Create a setting file (config.json) assuming that the deployment destination is under / var/www. I was worried about the storage location of config.json, but this time I put it under the Django application.


    "listeners": {
        "*:80": {
            "pass": "routes"
    "routes": [
            "match": {
                "uri": "/static/*"

            "action": {
                "share": "/var/www/my_djangoapp/"
            "action": {
                "pass": "applications/django"
    "applications": {
        "django": {
            "type": "python 3.7",
            "user": "ec2-user",
            "group": "ec2-user",
            "path": "/var/www/my_djangoapp/",
            "home": "/var/www/my_djangoapp/env/",
            "module": "my_djangoapp.wsgi",

Apply config.json as follows.

$ sudo curl -X PUT --data-binary @config.json --unix-socket /var/run/unit/control.sock http://localhost/config/
	"success": "Reconfiguration done."

This completes the nginx unit settings. It becomes a Django application migrate, and it is necessary to prepare the environment by doing collect static.

Setting points


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