I tried using Google Translate from Python and it was just too easy

Hi, this is Ken has.

I tried translating using the Python package googletrans and it was so easy that I wrote it down.

What is googletrans

If you use google translate in python [Google Translate API](https://cloud.google.com/translate/?hl=ja&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=japac-JP-all-ja-dr-bkws-all-super- trial-e-dr-1008074 & utm_content = text-ad-none-none-DEV_c-CRE_314712311019-ADGP_Hybrid +% 7C + AW + SEM +% 7C + BKWS + ~ + T1 +% 7C + EXA +% 7C + ML +% 7C + 1: 1 +% 7C + JP +% 7C + ja +% 7C + Translation +% 7C + google + translator + api +% 7C + en-KWID_43700031334293414-kwd-74703397964 & userloc_1009241 & utm_term = KW_google% 20translator% 20api & gclid = EAIaIQobChMIk-7p49DzA

You might think, but this costs money, doesn't it? It's a secret story, but I wanted to use Google Translate from python as if it were playful without spending money.

After researching various things, I found something called googletrans, so I decided to use it.

Features of googletrans

Roughly like this. Let's start by installing the package.

Install googletrans

Just type the following command into the console and press Enter.

pip install googletrans

Super easy.

Try translating using googletrans


from googletrans import Translator

str = 'This is a banana.' #Characters you want to translate

translator = Translator()
trans_text = translator.translate(str) #Convert to English by default

The basic usage is like this.
It is also possible to specify the translation destination language by adding an option at translate (str).


from googletrans import Translator

str = 'This is a banana.' #Characters you want to translate

translator = Translator()
trans_text = translator.translate(str,src='ja',dest='de') #Convert from Japanese to German

It seems that you can also pass a list to the character string you want to translate. > ``` >>> translations = translator.translate(['The quick brown fox', 'jumps over', 'the lazy dog'], dest='ko') >>> for translation in translations: ... print(translation.origin, ' -> ', translation.text) # The quick brown fox -> 빠른 갈색 여우 # jumps over -> 이상 점프 # the lazy dog -> 게으른 개 ``` >


Roughly, I introduced the Python package "googletrans" that can use Google Translate. As a feature

Is it like this? that's all.

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