[Python] Building a virtual python environment for the pyramid tutorial (summary)

To implement pyramid tutorial on Linux (debian) How to create a virtual python environment using virtualenv

Before, I tried to create an environment by groping, but since I learned a lot, I reorganized it.

setuptools, pip, virtualenv installation

For the time being, prepare three, setuptools, pip, and virtualenv.

#Installation of setuptools
$ wget https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools/raw/bootstrap/ez_setup.py -O - | python

#Easy when setuptools is installed_Install pip and virtualenv as install will be available
$ easy_install pip
$ easy_install virtualenv

You may need administrator privileges according to your environment.

Virtual Python environment construction

Build a virtual environment using virtualenv

#Build a virtual environment named sample
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages sample

By activating after building the environment, You can use the environment.

#sample Activate in virtual environment
$ cd sample
$ source bin/activate

If successful, the environment name will be displayed in () in the command. In the above case, it looks like (sample).

Deactivate command when leaving the environment

#Get out of the environment
$ deactivate

Install Pyramid

Install puramid while in the virtual environment. Work location is directly under the virtual environment directory

$ pip install pyramid

By the way, in my environment, this command installed Pyramid 1.4.5. It's different from the tutorial version, but I wonder if it can be managed.

Installation (tutorial)

Then follow Install Pyramid Tutorial Install what you need. Somehow I'm using pip instead of easy_install.

・ Project creation

$ bin/pcreate -s alchemy tutorial

-Installing the project in development mode

$ cd tutorial
$ python setup.py develop

・ Test execution

$ python setup.py test -q

・ Extraction of test coverage information

$ pip install nose coverage
$ ../bin/nosetests --cover-package=tutorial --cover-erase --with-coverage

-Database initialization

$ ../bin/initialize_tutorial_db development.ini

・ Launch application

$ ../bin/pserve development.ini --reload

This will start the server. This completes Tutorial installation.

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