Re: Human-powered sorting [Python]

I did this before.

[Reinventing the Wheel] Human Power Tournament Sort [Python]

It was fun to think and verify the algorithm, but it became so ridiculous that I'll include a smart way to just change the sort call function.

__ References: __ entertainment-lab: Implementation of original sorting in Python:

Whole code

Since the essential sort part is left to the genuine Python sort, it is naturally very short.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# written by ssh0, December 2014.

description = """
Ranking interface for self-analysis.
In this application
Create a comparative question based on the given list
The ranking is completed when the user answers it.

import argparse
import sys

def human_cmp(a, b):
    print '\nwhich ones do you like?'
    print '  [j]: %s, [k]: %s. [=]:eq' % (a, b)
    key_input = raw_input(">>> ")
    if key_input == 'j':
        ans = -1
    elif key_input == 'k':
        ans = 1
    elif key_input == '=':
        ans = 0
        raise ValueError('please select by "j", "k" or "=".')
    return ans

if __name__ == '__main__':

    parse = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
    parse.add_argument('-l', '--list',
                       help='list of some objects',
    args = parse.parse_args()
    data = args.objects
    print data

The function passed to the sort function is human_cmp. Only be careful about the value returned by the function. Compare the two arguments and return a negative value if the first argument is smaller than the second argument, 0 if they are the same, and a positive value if they are larger.

Execution example

➤ python -l 3 1 4 8 5 2 6 7

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 1, [k]: 3. [=]:eq
>>> j

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 4, [k]: 1. [=]:eq
>>> k

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 4, [k]: 3. [=]:eq
>>> k

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 8, [k]: 3. [=]:eq
>>> k

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 8, [k]: 4. [=]:eq
>>> k

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 5, [k]: 4. [=]:eq
>>> k

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 5, [k]: 8. [=]:eq
>>> j

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 2, [k]: 4. [=]:eq
>>> j

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 2, [k]: 3. [=]:eq
>>> j

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 2, [k]: 1. [=]:eq
>>> k

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 6, [k]: 4. [=]:eq
>>> k

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 6, [k]: 8. [=]:eq
>>> j

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 6, [k]: 5. [=]:eq
>>> k

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 7, [k]: 4. [=]:eq
>>> k

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 7, [k]: 6. [=]:eq
>>> k

which ones do you like?
  [j]: 7, [k]: 8. [=]:eq
>>> j
['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8']

This is human power, but of course you can define some function yourself like a reference source.


The last time was ... It was good because it was fun. I have no choice but to say so ... Or rather, it wasn't necessary to write it when I noticed it.

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