[LINUX] How to create / delete symbolic links

It's a pity, but it's my memorandum because I always forget it: point_up: I separate images and display them using symbolic links. I'm glad if you can use it as a reference. Please point out any mistakes! !!

☆ What to do

① Create .ssh / config ② Create a symbolic link

☆ Procedure

ssh connection ↓ Create symbolic links ↓ Delete symbolic link

☆ ssh connection

config settings

Since it is troublesome to enter SSH commands, it is set for each server. I learned from my seniors in the field that I have no timeout setting.

$ cd ~/.ssh
$ vi config

Host *
ServerAliveInterval 30
ServerAliveCountMax 5
TCPKeepAlive yes

### Connect Setting Name ###
Host sample_w1
Port	 22
User	 hoge
IdentityFile	sample.pem

After completing the settings, continue. Create a symbolic link for the server / var / sample_api / public </ code>.

$ ssh sample_w1

[hoge@sample_w1 ~]$ ls /var/sample_api/public
fonts  img  index.html  js
[hoge@sample_w1 ~]$cd project

Creating a symbolic link

[hoge@sample_w1 ~]$ ln -s /var/sample_api/public sample_api
[hoge@sample_w1 ~]$ ll
drwxrwsr-x 1 hoge team 0 January 1 13:54 .
drwxrwsr-x 1 hoge team 0 January 1 13:54 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 hoge team 0 January 1 13:55 sample_api -> /var/sample_api/public/

Remove symbolic links

[hoge@sample_w1 ~]$ unlink sample_api
[hoge@sample_w1 ~]$ ls -a
.			..

Please note that the rm </ code> command should not delete the entity ...

☆ References

https://qiita.com/colorrabbit/items/2e99304bd92201261c60 https://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/1605/30/news022.html https://qiita.com/passol78/items/2ad123e39efeb1a5286b

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