[PYTHON] String search algorithm

I want to find a character string pattern from a character string.

Everybody, there are times when you want to find out if a string pattern exists from a string. We have implemented three algorithms that are perfect for such situations.

I will add a commentary when I have time to spare.

First, a program that generates a random character string

import random

def random_str(x, char_list):
    return "".join([random.choice(char_list) for _ in range(x)])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(random_str(10, ["a","b","c","d"]))

Now, I will introduce three string search algorithms from here.

Brute force (pushing)

from make_random_str import random_str

string = random_str(10000,["A","B","C","D","E"])

def brute_forth(string, pattern):
    i = 0
    j = 0
    lp = len(pattern)
    ls = len(string)
    ans = []
    while i <= ls-1:
        if string[i] == pattern[j]:
            if j == lp-1:
                i +=1
                j = 0
                i += 1
                j += 1
            i = i-j+1
            j = 0
    if not ans:
        ans = -1
    return ans


#Below, using regular expressions, brute_Check if the forth algo is producing the correct output
import re

L =[]
check = re.finditer(r"ABCDE", string)
for i in check:

KMP method

from make_random_str import random_str

string = random_str(1000000, ["A","B","C","D","E"])

def kmp(string, pattern):
    #First, create a table from pattern of how many to shift
    table = [0] * len(pattern)
    j = 0
    for i in range(1, len(pattern)):
        if pattern[i] == pattern[j]:
            table[i] = j
            j += 1
            j = 0

    ans = []
    s = 0
    t = 0
    while s < len(string):
        if string[s] == pattern[t]:
            if t == len(pattern)-1:
                s += 1
                t = 0
                s += 1
                t += 1
        elif t == 0:
            s += 1
            t = table[j]
    return ans

print(kmp(string, "ABCEABC"))

#Below, using regular expressions, brute_Check if the forth algo is producing the correct output
import re

L =[]
check = re.finditer(r"ABCEABC", string)
for i in check:

BM method

from make_random_str import random_str

string = random_str(10000,["A","B","C","D","E"])

def bm(string,pattern):

    lp = len(pattern)
    ls = len(string)

    #First create a table
    #Since ascii is used, a table with a length of 256 is prepared.
    table = [lp for _ in range(256)]
    for i in range(lp):
        table[ord(pattern[i])] = lp-i-1

    ans = []
    i = lp - 1
    while i < ls:
        j = lp - 1
        while string[i] == pattern[j]:
            if j == 0:
            i -=1
            j -=1
        #Don't forget to take max
        i = i + max(table[ord(string[i])], lp-j)
    if not ans:
        return -1
    return ans

print(bm(string, "ABCDE"))

#Below, using regular expressions, brute_Check if the forth algo is producing the correct output
import re

L =[]
check = re.finditer(r"ABCDE", string)
for i in check:

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