** Addendum ** The shortcut key for Spotlight search is "Control + Space" before OS X Yosemite. After OS X El Capitan, it seems that the default has changed to "⌘ + Space".
You can use the code completion function with "Ctrl + Space". For example
Just type and type "Ctrl + Space"
public static void main(String[] args) {
It automatically completes the frequently used main methods like this.
When I enter "Control + Space" ...
Yes, on macOS (OS X) it's a shortcut key for Spotlight search by default. The OS side has priority over the shortcut setting of Eclipse, and the code is not completed.
Eclipse can change the shortcut key to any one.
** 1. Select "Eclipse"-> "Preferences" from the menu bar ** ** 2. Select "Content Assist" from "General"-> "Keys" ** (Enter "content" in the search field)
** 3. Enter any shortcut key in the Binding field **
Let's set other than OS standard shortcuts such as "Ctrl + Space".
You can also change the shortcut key that launches Spotlight.
** 1. Open "System Preferences" from Launchpad or Dock ** ** 2. Enter Spotlight in the "Search" field at the top right and select the suggested "Keyboard Shortcut" **
** 3. Click inside the red frame to the right of "Show Spotlight Search" and set any key ** (* You can also disable it from the check box)
You can now safely use code completion on your Mac.
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