How to set character code and line feed code in Eclipse

When the project period becomes long, various members come and go and various things happen, and even if you have a hard time unifying the character code and line feed code once, different things will come in before you know it. It is important that all members have the same settings.

--Environment --Windows 10 Pro 64bit version 1909 - Eclipse Version: 2020-03 (4.15.0) --Default JRE set: Java 11

*. The image is from the previous Mac OS, so please refer to it as an image.

Set the line feed code of the workspace to Windows (\ n \ r)

  1. Select the Prefernces dialog> General> Workspace.
  2. Select New text file line delimiter> Other> Windows.
  3. Click the [Apply] button. Screen Shot 2017-05-23 at 22.11.57.png

Set the character code for each extension

  1. Select the Prefernces dialog> General> Content Types.
  2. Expand the "▶" in the list of [Content Types:]> [Text].

Set the character code of "* .java" to UTF-8

  1. Select Java Source File.
  2. Enter "UTF-8" in [Default encordiong] and click the [Update] button. -: sunflower: Enter the correct character code to activate the [Update] button. Screen Shot 2017-05-23 at 22.09.30.png

Set the character code of "* .properties" to UTF-8

  1. Select Properties File. -: loudspeaker: No such thing is displayed! In that case: Install properties editor
  2. Click [Help]> [Install New Software ..]> [Add] button to display the dialog.
  3. Set any value in [Name] and set in [Location]> Click the [Add] button to close the dialog.
  4. Check [Properties Editor] to install
  5. Restart Eclipse when prompted 1. image.png
  6. Enter "UTF-8" in [Default encordiong] and click the [Update] button. Screen Shot 2017-05-23 at 22.37.34.png

Set the character code of "* .css" to UTF-8

  1. Select CSS.
  2. Enter "UTF-8" in [Default encordiong] and click the [Update] button.

Set the character code of "* .js" to UTF-8

  1. Select JavaScript Source File.
  2. Enter "UTF-8" in [Default encordiong] and click the [Update] button.

Set the character code of the XML file to UTF-8

  1. Select XML. ――Actually, I wanted to say "all files with the extension .xml", but I didn't like it, so I chose [XML].
  2. Enter "UTF-8" in [Default encordiong] and click the [Update] button. Screen Shot 2017-05-23 at 23.40.25.png

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