[PYTHON] [Cloud102] # 3-1 Bonus for AML Studio NOTEBOOK

The main story is here.


Even though it's a Python study session, there are too few Python hands-ons, so it's a little "bonus": smile:

1. Pay attention to float (1)

Let's create a new NOTEBOOK (Blank Python3) and put the following code in it.


2. Pay attention to float (2)

Let's put this in as well.


3. Rotatable 3D plot display

This code is a bit cumbersome to hand, so you can copy and paste from the following.



4. Progress bar display

Let's also display the status bar in the same BLOG


Did you see the progress bar successfully? If you get an error, try the following and try again.


5. How to use jupyter notebook (review)

The following is easy to understand, so let's review it.

An introduction to machine learning starting with Python (2): Basic usage of Jupyter Notebook, a multifunctional web editor useful in the field of machine learning (1/2) http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/1701/11/news013.html


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