[PYTHON] Four arithmetic operations by machine learning 6 [Commercial]


# coding=utf-8
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#initial value
#Number of learning
N = 1000
layer = [2, 2, 1]
#bias = [0.0, 0.0]
#Learning rate
η = [0.001, 0.001]
#η = [0.000001, 0.000001]
#Number of intermediate layers
H = len(η) - 1
#Teacher value
t = [None for _ in range(N)]
#Function output value
f_out = [[None for _ in range(H + 1)] for _ in range(N)]
#Function input value
f_in = [[None for _ in range(H + 1)] for _ in range(N)]
w = [[None for _ in range(H + 1)] for _ in range(N + 1)]
for h in range(H + 1):   
    w[0][h] = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (layer[h + 1], layer[h]))

for h in range(H + 1):
#Square error
dE = [None for _ in range(N)]
δ = [[None for _ in range(H + 1)] for _ in range(N)]

for n in range(N):

    #Input value
    f_out[n][0] = np.random.uniform(-10.0, 10.0, (layer[0]))
    #Teacher value
    t[n] = f_out[n][0][0] / f_out[n][0][1]
    #Forward propagation
    f_in[n][0] = np.dot(w[n][0], f_out[n][0])
    f_out[n][1] = np.log(f_in[n][0]*f_in[n][0])
    f_in[n][1] = np.dot(w[n][1], f_out[n][1])

    #Output value
    div = np.exp(f_in[n][1])

    #Square error
    dE[n] = div - t[n]#Value after differentiation of squared error due to omission of calculation

    δ[n][1] = div * dE[n]
    δ[n][0] = (2.0 / f_in[n][0]) * np.dot(w[n][1].T, δ[n][1])
    for h in range(H + 1):
        w[n + 1][h] = w[n][h] - η[h] * np.real(δ[n][h].reshape(len(δ[n][h]), 1) * f_out[n][h])

for h in range(H + 1):
#Area vertical
py = np.amax(layer)
#Next to the area
px = (H + 1) * 2
#Area dimensions
plt.figure(figsize = (16, 9))
#Horizontal axis in the figure
x = np.arange(0, N + 1, 1) #0 to N+Up to 1 in 1 increments
for h in range(H + 1):
    for l in range(layer[h + 1]):
        #Area coordinates
        plt.subplot(py, px, px * l + h * 2 + 1)
        for m in range(layer[h]):                       
            plt.plot(x, np.array([w[n][h][l, m] for n in range(N + 1)]), label = "w[" + str(h) + "][" + str(l) + "," + str(m) + "]")        
        #Lattice line
        #Usage Guide
        plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor = (1, 1), loc = 'upper left', borderaxespad = 0, fontsize = 10)

I thought about the circuit of division in the form of deep learning.\\
△ & □\\
▲ & ■
〇 & ●
Input value and w[0]Product of\\
△ & □\\
▲ & ■
1st layer input\\
Antilogarithms are squared to accommodate negative numbers.\\
1st layer output and w[1]Product of\\
〇 & ●
Output layer input\\
△=1,□=0,〇=0.5 \\
In the simplest case, if the above conditions are met, the quotient a/You can output b.\\
However, it is actually more complicated because the generalized binomial theorem is relevant.

[Exhibition] Generalization binomial theorem and approximation of routes, etc.

The initial value is a random number(-1.0~1.0)After deciding in, I tried to see if it would converge to the target value if the learning was repeated.\\
Target value\\
△ & □\\
▲ & ■
○ & ●
△=1,□=0,〇=0.5 \\
initial value\\
-0.18845444 & -0.56031414\\
-0.48188658 & 0.6470921
0.80395641 & 0.80365676
△=-0.18845444,□=-0.56031414,〇=0.80395641 \\
Calculated value\\
14601870.60282903 & -14866110.02378938\\
13556781.27758209 & -13802110.45958244
-1522732.53915774 & -6080851.59710287
△=14601870.60282903,□=-14866110.02378938,〇=-1522732.53915774 \\


It's a failure. No matter how many times you do it, the weight will diverge to a ridiculous value.\\
I searched for the cause.\\
With the chain rule of error back propagation\\
\lim_{x \to ±∞} \frac{2}{x}=0\\
\lim_{x \to -∞} e^x=0\\
It turned out that taking such an extremely large value causes the gradient to disappear.\\
I reconsidered.


# coding=utf-8
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#initial value
#Number of learning
N = 200000
layer = [2, 2, 1]
#bias = [0.0, 0.0]
#Learning rate
η = [0.1, 0.1]
#η = [0.000001, 0.000001]
#Cutting price
#clip = 709
clip = 700
#Number of intermediate layers
H = len(η) - 1
#Teacher value
t = [None for _ in range(N)]
#Function output value
f_out = [[None for _ in range(H + 1)] for _ in range(N)]
#Function input value
f_in = [[None for _ in range(H + 1)] for _ in range(N)]
w = [[None for _ in range(H + 1)] for _ in range(N + 1)]
for h in range(H):   
    w[0][h] = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (layer[h + 1], layer[h]))
w[0][H] = np.zeros((layer[H + 1], layer[H]))

for h in range(H + 1):
#Square error
dE = [None for _ in range(N)]
δ = [[None for _ in range(H + 1)] for _ in range(N)]

for n in range(N):

    #Input value
    t[n] = clip
    while np.abs(t[n]) > np.log(np.log(clip)):#Vanishing gradient problem countermeasures
        f_out[n][0] = np.random.uniform(0.0, 10.0, (layer[0]))
        f_out[n][0] = np.array(f_out[n][0], dtype=np.complex)
        #Teacher value
        t[n] = f_out[n][0][0] / f_out[n][0][1]
    #Forward propagation
    f_in[n][0] = np.dot(w[n][0], f_out[n][0])    
    f_out[n][1] = np.log(f_in[n][0])    
    f_in[n][1] = np.dot(w[n][1], f_out[n][1])
    #Output value
    div = np.exp(f_in[n][1])
    #Square error
    dE[n] = np.real(div - t[n])#Value after differentiation of squared error due to omission of calculation
    dE[n] = np.clip(dE[n], -clip, clip)
    dE[n] = np.nan_to_num(dE[n])

    δ[n][1] = np.real(div * dE[n])
    δ[n][1] = np.clip(δ[n][1], -clip, clip)
    δ[n][1] = np.nan_to_num(δ[n][1])
    δ[n][0] = np.real((1.0 / f_in[n][0]) * np.dot(w[n][1].T, δ[n][1]))
    δ[n][0] = np.clip(δ[n][0], -clip, clip)  
    δ[n][0] = np.nan_to_num(δ[n][0]) 
    for h in range(H + 1):
        #Vanishing gradient problem countermeasures
        # a*10^Only the a part of b
        w10_u = np.real(δ[n][h].reshape(len(δ[n][h]), 1) * f_out[n][h])
        w10_u = np.clip(w10_u, -clip, clip)  
        w10_u = np.nan_to_num(w10_u)        
        w10_d = np.where(
            w10_u != 0.0,
        #Not supported for decimal numbers
        w10_d = np.clip(w10_d, 0.0, clip)
        w[n + 1][h] = w[n][h] - η[h] * (w10_u / np.power(10.0, w10_d))

for h in range(H + 1):
#Area vertical
py = np.amax(layer)
#Next to the area
px = (H + 1) * 2
#Area dimensions
plt.figure(figsize = (16, 9))
#Horizontal axis in the figure
x = np.arange(0, N + 1, 1) #0 to N+Up to 1 in 1 increments
for h in range(H + 1):
    for l in range(layer[h + 1]):
        #Area coordinates
        plt.subplot(py, px, px * l + h * 2 + 1)
        for m in range(layer[h]):                       
            plt.plot(x, np.array([w[n][h][l, m] for n in range(N + 1)]), label = "w[" + str(h) + "][" + str(l) + "," + str(m) + "]")        
        #Lattice line
        #Usage Guide
        plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor = (1, 1), loc = 'upper left', borderaxespad = 0, fontsize = 10)


As a countermeasure -Set the input value to a complex number. -Only data that does not easily overflow with the teacher value. ・ Do not set δ to a value larger than a certain value. ・ Set the gradient only to the a part of a * 10 ^ b so that the weight does not diverge. (Only when b is a positive number)


Target value\\
△ & □\\
▲ & ■
○ & ●
△=1,□=0,〇=1 \\
initial value\\
-0.12716087 & 0.34977234\\
0.85436489 & 0.65970844
0.0 & 0.0
△=-0.12716087,□=0.34977234,〇=0.0 \\
Calculated value\\
-1.71228449e-08 & 1.00525062e+00\\
1.00525061e+00 & -4.72288257e-09
-0.99999998 & 0.99999998
Succeeded. The values of △ □ and ▲ ■ are reversed.\\
I don't like it in a way that has the correct answer and is close to it.\\
Even so, log at most trying to teach division,exp,With complex numbers\\
I was in trouble because I had to extend to high school mathematics.\\

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